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The next school board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 25. The study session will begin at 4:30 p.m. and be broadcast live on YouTube (see links below). The business meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m., where the Board will vote on the Lease Revenue Bond. Both meetings are open to the public and public comment is accepted during the business meeting.

Повестка дня

1. 4:00 pm Closed Executive Session Regarding Deployment of Security Personnel, Devices, or Systems and the Character, Professional Competence, or Physical or Mental Health of an Individual, UT Code 52.4.205

  1. Добро пожаловать: Президент Дженнифер Партридж
  2. Перекличка
  3. Предложение о созыве учебного заседания
  4. Предложение о созыве закрытого исполнительного заседания

2. 4:30 pm Study Session

  1. Добро пожаловать: Президент Дженнифер Партридж
  2. Перекличка 
  3. Предложение о созыве
  4. Board Member Training: Member Melanie Hall (4:32 p.m., 3 min.)
  5. Student Travel Requiring Board Approval: PHS Ballroom to CA (4:35 p.m., 5 min)
  6. Policy Review 5155, 5020, 6600, 3500: Superintendent Wendy Dau (4:40 p.m., 15 min)
  7. 2025-2026 School Calendar Update: Wendy Dau, Superintendent (4:55 p.m., 5 minutes)
  8. Middle of the Year Data: Nate Mitchell, Director of Research and Assessment (5:00 p.m., 20 min)
  9. Winter Sports Athletic Report: Wendy Dau, Superintendent (5:20 p.m., 10 min)
  10. Lease Revenue Bonds: Business Administrator Devyn Dayley (5:30 p.m., 5 min)
  11. Fee Schedule: Business Administrator Devyn Dayley (5:35 p.m., 20 min)
  12. Предложение о перерыве

3. 6:00 pm Business Meeting

  1. Добро пожаловать: Президент Дженнифер Партридж
  2. Перекличка
  3. Предложение о созыве
  4. Клятва верности

4. Business Items

  1. Общественное мнение
  2. Public hearing to receive input with respect to the issuance of lease revenue bonds by the Municipal Building Authority of the District.
  3. Consider a resolution authorizing the issuance of lease revenue bonds by the Municipal Building Authority of the District.

5. Provo City School District Building Authority Meeting

  1. Convene as the Board of Trustees of the Municipal Building Authority of Provo City School District.
  2. Public Hearing to receive input with respect to the issuance of lease revenue bonds by the Authority.
  3. Consider a resolution authorizing the issuance of lease revenue bonds by the Board of Trustees of the Municipal Building Authority of Provo City School District.
  4. Adjourn as Provo City School District Building Authority and Reconvene as the Provo City School District Board of Education.

6. Business Items

  1. Student Travel Requiring Board Approval
  2. Final Approval of 2025-2026 School Calendar
  3. Administrative Changes Announcement: Superintendent Wendy Dau

7. Adjourn

  1. Предложение о перерыве
Alexander Glaves
  • Специалист по социальным сетям/маркетингу
  • Александр Глейвс
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