Last modified: 16 января, 2025
Policy 6605 Safe Travel to and from School
Student Safety Walking to School and Riding Buses
Elementary and Middle School Community Councils will annually prepare a safe walking plan, documented on the Student Neighborhood Access Program (SNAP). Principals or their designee(s) will supervise and monitor bus loading, unloading and parent drop-off areas and recommend adjustments to the Provo School District Facilities and Maintenance Director. The Provo School District Transportation Route Coordinator will create and annually review all school bus routes to ensure compliance with all USBE and federal safety regulations.
Bus Safety
The superintendent or designee will develop written rules establishing the procedures for bus safety and emergency exit drills and for student conduct while riding on buses.
The bus driver is responsible for the safety of his/her passengers, particularly for those who cross a roadway before boarding or after leaving the bus. No bus driver will order or allow a student to embark or disembark at other than his/her assigned bus and bus stop unless so authorized. Such authorization shall be outlined in the requirements of Procedure 6605 P2.
In order to assure the safety of all, the bus driver may hold students accountable for their conduct during the course of transportation by visiting with the student, contacting a parent, or submitting a violation form to the school principal. Bus drivers are expressly prohibited from using corporal punishment.
In the event of an accident or other emergency, the bus driver will follow the emergency procedures in accordance with the Bus Driver Handbook. A copy of the driver handbook will be located in each bus. To ensure the success of such emergency procedures, each bus driver will conduct an emergency evacuation drill within the first six weeks of each school year. The district will conduct such other drills and procedures as may be necessary.
Student Conduct on Buses
The Director of Transportation or designee will establish written rules of conduct for students riding school buses. Such rules will include as a minimum the requirements of Procedure 6605 P1 and will be reviewed annually by the superintendent or designee, and revised if necessary.
At the beginning of each school year, a copy of the rules of conduct for students riding buses will be provided to each student who is scheduled to ride a school bus. The bus driver will review the rules with the students at or near the beginning of each school year. A copy of the rules will be available upon request at the district office.
References and Regulations
- Utah Code 76-9-107 Unauthorized Entry of School Bus
- Utah Code 41-6a-1302 Motor Vehicle, Traffic Code, School Bus
- Utah Rule 909-3-2 Standards for Utah School Buses
- Utah Code 41-6a-1307 School Bus Parking Zones Page 2
- Utah Administrative Rule 277-601 Standards for Utah School Bus Operations
- Utah Code 41-6a-1616 High Intensity Red or Blue Flashing Lights
- Utah Code 41-6a-1304 Design and Operation of School Bus
Политика и формы
Утверждено Советом по образованию
- March 11, 2014
- Revised: November 3, 2014
- Revised: February 14, 2017