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Last modified: março 25, 2025

Policy 5255 Employee Use of Social Media

The Provo City School District Board of Education supports the use of social media to facilitate learning, enrich communication and create support. The following are to be followed when using social media in relation to Provo City School District.


1. Social Media – any online technology tool that enables human interaction and communication, including the sharing of information and/or resources, over the Internet. 2. Content Manager – any individual/group asked to oversee the maintenance and management of any social media platform.

Creation of New Accounts

Authorization – Any District presence on any social media site, including school related accounts such as clubs, teams, field trips, courses, or other sites associated with the District or a district school must be authorized by the Director of Communications or designee. Any sites, accounts or pages in existence without prior authorization are subject to review and possibly removal

To request permission for a District-related site, please fill out and submit the “Social Media Authorization Form” to the Communication Department. Please note that for emergency purposes only, each District-affiliated site or social media account must name the District’s Communications Department as an administrator. However, the site, specifically the content owner and responsible administrator/content manager, shall be responsible for monitoring and maintaining these sites and accounts.

District employees should not use their district email address on any social media network that has not received the necessary approval from the District.

Classroom Use

Social media networks are powerful teaching and communication tools that can add great value to classroom instruction. Teachers are encouraged to use social media tools where appropriate in addressing an educational goal of the classroom.

When creating social networks for classroom use, first fill out the “Social Media Authorization Form” to receive approval from the District.

  • Use district contact information (email, address, phone, etc.) for creating and maintaining accounts.
  • Abide by the user guidelines set by the social media site.
  • Treat the social media network like a classroom. Monitor closely the interactions between students and deal with inappropriate use immediately.
  • When using social media in a classroom setting, communicate clearly and meaningfully with families and students to ensure that families understand the educational purpose and value behind such use.

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School Use and Other Uses (Teams, Clubs, Activities, Fundraisers, Foundations, PTA)

Each school in Provo City School District is expected to maintain a social media presence in conjunction with the guidelines/expectations set forth by the Board of Education, the Superintendent and the Communications Department. These accounts shall be maintained on-site and content shall be kept up-to-date and relevant.

Any team, club, activity, fundraising project, foundation, PTA/PTO or any other group associated with a Provo City School District school may create social media accounts. These accounts fall under the umbrella of the Provo City School District social media network and must adhere to all policies, procedures and guidelines therein. Creation of any account must first receive authorization from the District by submitting the “Social Media Authorization Form”

District Use

General District Sites and Accounts – The District’s general social media sites, including the District’s blogs, Facebook and Twitter accounts, will be managed by the Communications Department. Duplicate, unofficial sites shall be reported and investigated

Personal Use

All employees of Provo City School District are expected to maintain a clear distinction between their personal social media use and any District-related social media sites.

  • Do not use District contact information (email, address, phone, etc.) when using social media for personal use.
  • Do not use District equipment or the District network as primary tools for maintaining personal accounts.

Employees who participate in social media networks may decide to include information about their work with the District as part of their personal profile. This may include:

  1. Work information included in a personal profile, to include District name, job title and job duties.
  2. Status updates regarding an employee’s own job promotion.
  3. Personal participation in District-sponsored events, including volunteer activities.

Anything posted on an employee’s Web site or other Internet content for which the employee is responsible will be subject to all District policies, rules, regulations, and guidelines. The District is free to view and monitor an employee’s Web site or other Internet content at any time without consent or previous approval. Where applicable, employees may be asked to disclose to the District the existence of and to provide the District with access to an employee’s Web site or other personal social media network as part of an employment selection, promotion, or disciplinary process. Inappropriate or offensive content posted to social networks by employees may be investigated by school and district officials. The use of technology for personal matters should be limited to after-hours times and designated breaks. Use of district technology resources are governed by Policy 4202 Electronic Resources.

Posting Guidelines

Content Managers are responsible for maintaining and monitoring official presences on social media sites as follows:

  1. An employee’s use of any social media network and an employee’s postings, displays or communications on any social media network must comply with all state and federal laws and any applicable district policies.
  2. Content must not violate copyright or intellectual property laws and the content owner must secure the expressed consent of all involved parties for the right to distribute or publish recordings, photos, images, video, text, slideshow presentations, artwork or any other materials.
  3. Before posting any photographs of students, content managers shall review the list of students whose parents have not consented to having their child’s photograph taken or published. No student photographs should be published for personal, promotional use or any other non-school related purpose.
  4. Employees may not post images on any social media network of co-workers without the co-workers’ consent.
  5. Employees may not post any non-public images of the District premises and property, including floor plans.
  6. Employees may not use or post the Provo City School District logo on any social media network without permission from the Superintendent or designee.
  7. Employees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the privacy policies, settings and protections on any social networking websites to which they choose to subscribe.
  8. Employees may not act as a spokesperson for the District or post comments as a representative of the District, except as authorized by the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee.


Employees may not disclose information on any social media network that is confidential or proprietary to the District, its students, or employees or that is protected by data privacy laws. Employees will be held responsible for the disclosure, whether purposeful or inadvertent, of confidential or private information, information that violates the privacy rights or other rights of a third party or the content of anything posted on any social media network.


Employees must be respectful and professional in all communications (by word, image or other means). Employees shall not use obscene, profane or vulgar language on any social media network or engage in communications or conduct that is harassing, threatening, bullying, libelous, or defamatory or that discusses or encourages any illegal activity or the inappropriate use of alcohol, use of illegal drugs, sexual behavior, sexual harassment or bullying.

Employee Relationship to the District

If an employee identifies himself or herself online as a Provo City School District employee, ensure that your profile and related content are consistent with how you wish to present yourself to colleagues, parents and students. It is recommended that you post a disclaimer on your social media pages stating “The views on this page are personal and do not reflect the views of the Provo City School District.”

District Technology/Network Usage

Users should have no expectation of privacy regarding their use of District property, network and/or Internet access to files, including email. The District reserves the right to monitor users’ online activities and to access, review, copy, and store or delete any electronic communication or files and/or disclose them to others as it deems necessary.

Although staff members enjoy free speech rights guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, certain types of communication, typically by virtue of their subject matter, may relate enough to school to have ramifications for the author or subject at the district site. When using district technology, electronic communication is governed by the district acceptable use policy, which will be enforced accordingly.

Students and staff should not expect privacy in the contents of their personal files on the District’s Internet system or other district technology, including email. District technology may only be used for educational purposes. The use of district technology is a privilege, not a right.

Any employee who is responsible for a social media network posting or action that fails to comply with the rules and guidelines listed in this policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

Referência cruzada

  • Policy 3210 Compliance with FERPA
  • Policy 3228 Student Confidential Communications
  • Policy 3320 Prohibition of Bullying, Harassment, Hazing and Retaliation
  • Política 4202 Recursos eletrônicos
  • Policy 5100 Expectations for Professional Conduct of all Employees
  • Policy 5253 Maintaining Professional Staff/Student Boundaries
  • Policy 5280 Disciplinary Action, Non-renewal and Termination
  • Política 6110 Política de doações e captação de recursos
  • Política 7070 Acesso dos alunos à mídia
  • Policy 7129 Parent Participation and Home School Communication
  • Policy 7510 Civility Policy

Aprovado pelo Conselho de Educação:

10 de março de 2015

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