Last modified: março 25, 2025
Policy 5210 Reemployment of Utah Retirement System (URS) Retirees
Reemployment of Utah Retirement System (URS) Retirees Policy No. 5210
Retirees who are reemployed with prior experience will be “At-will” employees for one year. Salary schedule placement shall be at level 1 of the appropriate lane for which the employee is qualified. Any exceptions will be made through Policy 5320. The hired individual shall be treated as a provisional employee for the purposes of evaluation (Policy No. 5020 P3).
In accordance with URS regulations, a retiree who is reemployed after July 1, 2010 by the District within one year of the date of the person’s retirement will have his or her retiree’s allowance cancelled by the Utah State Retirement Office and be reinstated as an active member of the State retirement plan, effective the first day of the month following the date of reemployment unless:
- The retiree is not reemployed by the District for a period of at least sixty (60) days from the retiree’s retirement date;
- Upon reemployment after the break in service, the retiree does not receive any District provided benefit, including:
- medical benefits;
- dental benefits;
- other insurance benefits except workers compensation and withholdings required by state and federal law for Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment insurance; or
- paid time off, including sick, annual or other type of leave; and
- the retiree does not earn in any calendar year of reemployment an amount in excess of the lesser of:
- $15,000; or
- One-half of the retiree’s final average salary upon which the retiree’s retirement allowance is based.
If the employee retires again within a two-year period from the date of cancellation of the original URS allowance, the original allowance will resume. Otherwise, if the employee retires after the two-year period, then his or her original allowance will resume, and the retiree will receive an additional allowance based on the formula in effect at the date of the subsequent retirement for the service credit accrued between the first and subsequent retirement dates.
A retiree who is reemployed after July 1, 2010 by the District more than one year from the date of the retiree’s retirement may elect to:
- Earn additional service credit and cancel the retiree’s retirement allowance; or
- Receive the retiree’s retirement allowance and forfeit any retirement related contribution from the District.
If a retiree makes an election under option (2) to continue to receive a retirement allowance while reemployed, the District shall contribute to the Utah State Retirement Office the amortization rate that would have covered the retiree. If the retiree is not otherwise eligible for retirement coverage in the reemployed position, the Utah State Retirement Office shall cancel the allowance of a retiree; and the District shall pay the amortization rate to the office on behalf of the retiree.
If a retiree is reemployed in the Provo City School District after July 1, 2010, the District shall immediately notify the Utah State Retirement Office. In addition, the District shall provide information indicating:
- Whether the retiree was reemployed within one year of the retiree’s date of retirement; and
- If the retiree is reemployed more than one year from the date of retirement, whether the employee elects to:
- Earn additional service credit and cancel the retiree’s retirement allowance; or
- Receive the retiree’s retirement allowance and forfeit any retirement related contribution from the District.
It is the responsibility of the reemployed retiree to report to the Utah State Retirement Office his or her reemployment status. It is the Utah State Retirement Office that ultimately determines the impact, if any, of a retiree’s reemployment with the District on the retiree’s eligibility for and benefits under the Utah State Retirement System. Therefore, the retiree should contact the Utah State Retirement Office to verify the impact of any reemployment decision prior to accepting reemployment with the District.
Referência legal
- Utah Code Ann. § 49-11-504 et seq. (2013)
Utah State Retirement and Insurance Benefit Act
Aprovado pelo Conselho de Educação
November 10, 2015