Last modified: março 24, 2025
Policy 5110 P1 End of Year Management: Routines and Procedures
Action Required: Deadlines as indicated throughout
Subject: Year End Process
To: Administrative Leadership Team, School and Department Secretaries Although this process pertains primarily to personnel with school-level responsibilities, all employees must complete the sections pertinent to their areas of responsibility.
All requisitions over $50,000 must be approved and ready for the April Board meeting. Refer to current Year End Closeout dates
Purchase Orders
All purchase orders and requisitions under $50,000 are due. See Refer to current Year End Closeout dates
Summer Schedules
Administrator/Secretary Summer Schedule. (5110 F1) Provide emergency contact information and facilitate a process to accept correspondence and other communication during vacation periods. Schools must remain open during the summer with an administrator on call and someone available to accept deliveries and shipments according to an approved schedule. Once the schedule is approved, it must be posted on the door at the main entrance of the school, on the school and district websites and the school’s Facebook page. It is important for parents to know when they can enroll students.
Calendar of Events—All Schools
(Summer school information, open house dates, registration & orientation dates, etc.) Include, in chronological order, events of interest to district staff and/or community members. Be sure date, time and location are accurate, as the information you provide will be published. If event information changes, please provide updated information.
Certificated Staff Checkout (5110 F2) Certificated staff
Certificated staff who report to an administrator at a building or central office may leave any time after students are dismissed after being cleared by their supervisor.
Half-day session for students with buses running on the early out schedule.
Dismissal times for grades K-12 are:
- Elementary Half-day Kindergarten 10:45 a.m.
- Elementary Schools 1:30 a.m.
- Middle Schools 12:55 p.m.
- High Schools 12:20 p.m.
Principals are responsible for proper completion of student grades by the teacher. IT will work with secondary registrars to complete an electronic update of historical grades and system back up.
Classroom and Department Computers
Obsolete computers will be retrieved from each site and properly disposed of by the IT department. Notice and identification with a district label has already occurred.
Employee Computers and Other Devices
Employees who are leaving the district will turn in all assigned laptops and other technology by 4:00 p.m. District technology personnel will come to the school to collect the devices. If the teacher will not be there on this day, they must make arrangements to have their assigned devices turned in prior to this date by calling the Help Desk at ext. 4357.
Summer Technology Services
District student computers may be reimaged during the summer. IT needs access to the computers in school buildings to do necessary repairs and upgrades. Please make sure laptops and other equipment are located in an accessible area at each school.
Remember to back up computer files regularly to protect from potential data loss.
Telephones are assigned to the room they are in and are programmed accordingly. With staff moves taking place over the summer, please DO NOT take your telephone with you. If you need phone service or extension changes at a new location, contact the Technology Department at ext. 4357.
Key Control and Building Access
Procedure 6805 P1 outlines the procedure for key control at the end of the school year. All keys from parting employees must be checked in with the school administrator and inventoried. (See Policy 6805 P1)
All Instructional Coaches must return any electronic equipment such as laptops and Flip cameras to Dawn for inventory purposes. Once the inventory is complete, the equipment can be checked back out to the coaches.
Principals are responsible for overall accountability of all materials in their schools. Please make sure all instructional materials and equipment in the library are checked in properly and stored for the summer or sent for repair. Principals should work with teachers and librarians to develop an end-of-year library schedule which will ensure:
- Availability of the facility to teachers and students to the latest possible day prior to the close of school.
- A check-in process that provides accountability, storage and referral for repair when needed. Date Department Description
- Return of all instructional/curriculum/library materials prior to the end of the year.
- Collection of all obligations incurred by students through the loss and/or damage to instructional/curriculum/library materials.
During the last full week of school, it is not possible for the courier to handle large quantities of bulky material or equipment. Should the loads during this last week be unusually large, please contact the warehouse at ext. 4913, at least three (3) days in advance.
CTE budget requests must be submitted to Jared Ferguson. For information, please call the CTE Office at ext. 4981.
May timecards are due to the Payroll office the last day of school.
Summer Enrollment for Special Education Students
- School staff will continue to obtain basic enrollment information from parents whose children are new to the school district. School hours vary depending upon location.
- When parents indicate their child received special education services in a previous school district, school staff must copy any special education records the parents have. If parents do not have a copy of their child’s special education records with them, school staff must obtain a signed Authorization for Release of Records from the parents.
- School staff then faxes a copy of the enrollment card and special education records (or the signed Authorization for Release of Records) to the special education office.
Personnel Evaluations
All Certificated and Classified Employees.
Students Transferring to Middle or High School
File folders containing all Student Cumulative Records (permanent record, health files, special education files and discipline files) for students transferring from elementary to middle school or middle school to high school within the district shall be alphabetized and forwarded to the receiving school. Include with your overall Student Cumulative Records an alphabetical list of students moving forward showing the full name of the student, date of birth and date of enrollment.
During the summer months, select district schools will offer summer school programs. Transportation will be provided. For bus information, please contact Delaina at ext. 4860.
Elementary TBD
Summer school sessions will run Monday-Thursday, from 8:00 a.m. to noon
Summer school will be held at the following elementary schools:
- Escola Primária Franklin
- Primária de Timpanogos
- Various locations
Middle School TBD
Summer school sessions will run Monday-Thursday, from 8:00 to noon
High School TBD
Summer school sessions will run Monday-Thursday, from 8:3012:30 p.m. at Independence
Summer Print Orders
To better prepare for the school year, please encourage staff to submit printing requests by May 30. Be sure to designate the specific jobs that need to be completed before school starts. The rest will be completed as time permits. This is to ensure all schools get necessary printing completed for the start of school.
Last date for charging purchases on your p-card. Schedule delivery of the goods before June 30th.
Reimbursements and Miscellaneous Payments/Adjustments
All invoices, bills and receipts necessary for payment are due to accounts payable, including any mileage for employees. All journal entries must be turned in to business office.
S3 State Clearinghouse Year-end Submission
IT will submit student records through Powerschool and work with the state to update and finalize year-end S3 records for the school year
Powerschool Student Data Rollover
Powerschool will be offline to complete the student rollover (grade level and next school). After the rollover, students will be in their correct grade and school for the new school year
Registro (all schools) begins for the next School Year.
Attachment 1 Year End Closeout Dates
Attachment 2 Administrator/Secretary Summer Work Schedule
Attachment 3 Teacher Self-Checkout
Building key process changes under consideration. Building level administrators are responsible for traditional key distribution and acquisition. The Human Resources department will issue digital keys to all new employees.
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