Last modified: março 21, 2025
Policy 5090 P1 Expectations for Professional Conduct of all Employees
The Provo City School District Board of Education is committed to standards of professional conduct. All persons associated with the District are expected to exemplify and to encourage responsible and positive behavior at all times.
Employees of Provo City School District will exhibit professional conduct by adhering to the general standards of:
- Devoting sufficient time to properly plan, carry out, and evaluate acceptable educational programs;
- Honoring letters of intent, contracts, and agreements;
- Participating in the development of educational improvements in the school or district;
- Participating in professional development programs, including regular attendance at faculty/staff meetings;
- Acting reasonably and prudently to protect the health, safety and welfare of students when they are in school and participating in school sponsored activities on or off campus and on District approved transportation;
- Maintaining appropriate boundaries with students that are consistent with the legal and ethical duty of care that school personnel have for students;
- Avoiding the use of foul, abusive, demeaning or profane language while engaged in school or school-related activities;
- Dressing professionally;
- Using District technology according to the District Acceptable Computer System Use Policy;
- Following the components of Board Goal 5, Teamwork, Professional Conduct and Civility;
- Preserving and maintaining school property; and
- Reporting to work regularly and on time.
Employees are expected to comply with federal and state laws, USBE educator standards, board policies/procedures, and reasonable directives from supervisor(s). An employee may refuse to carry out an order that may be inconsistent with emergency needs, which threatens safety, or may potentially violate law.
Referências legais
- Utah Code 53E-6-201
- Rule R277-515
- Rule R277-530
- PCSD Safe & Orderly Schools Document
Board Licensure Educator Standards, Utah Leadership and Effective Teaching Standards
Aprovado pelo Conselho de Educação
13 de maio de 2014
Revised: Sept. 26, 2018; August 26, 2019
Related Policies, Procedures, and Forms
- Código de Conduta 5090
- 5090 Procedimento 1 Expectativas de conduta profissional de todos os funcionários
- 5090 Procedimento 2 Expectativas de conduta dos técnicos e orientadores de atividades
- 5090 Procedimento 3 Manutenção dos limites entre a equipe profissional e o aluno
- 5090 Formulário 1 Código de Conduta