Last modified: março 21, 2025
Policy 5060 Student Teachers and Interns
The Provo City School District Board of Education is committed to providing quality education for all students by supporting college and university teacher preparation programs in developing new teachers who can enter the profession and receive the mentoring needed to be effective. The Board is committed to adopting policy to ensure the effective management of Provo City School District programs and facilities. This policy is adopted to outline the parameters of student teaching and interns within the District and to provide guidance to employees who work with university students to be highly effective.
A “Student Teacher” is a student who is recommended for placement in a school by a university while successfully completing the courses required by the state as a part of the teacher preparation program. Student teachers will then be placed in a school for a minimum of 400 clock hours to complete state requirements for licensure.
Student teachers are not to carry out the duties of a regular teacher without the adequate supervision of their mentor teacher, administrator, or university supervisor. Student teachers will work collaboratively with their mentor teacher. A teacher may request to be the mentor/cooperating teacher by making application to his/her principal. A request does not guarantee a student teacher placement.
An “Intern” is a student who is selected in agreement with the university and district personnel and will be placed in a class for one (1) year of full-time contracted service at a single school site with a minimum of 1260 clock hours to satisfy state requirements for licensure.
A maximum of two (2) full-year regular education interns may be employed at each elementary school. Special Education and other related service interns will be placed at schools according to the director who supervises that department. Exceptions to this will be agreed upon by the principal, Executive Director of Human Resources and the Association.
A maximum of four (4) full-year regular education interns may be employed at each secondary school. Special Education and other related service interns will be placed at schools according to the director who supervises that department. The principal, Executive Director of Human Resources, and the Association will agree upon exceptions to this expectation.
Cooperating Teachers
The management of the student teacher and intern process is under the direction of the superintendent and those to whom responsibility is delegated by the superintendent. To ensure the best transference of knowledge and skills related to the practice of teaching, the Provo City School District Board of Education endorses the practice of assigning student teachers and interns to cooperating teachers who have attained “Effective” or “Highly Effective” ratings on their most recent evaluations.
Administrative Interns
An “Administrative Intern” is a person holding a level two teacher’s license and who is currently completing an Administrative License Program. The internship will include a minimum of 450 hours of supervised clinical experiences. This must also include a minimum of 200 of the required hours in a school setting which offers the opportunity of working with a properly licensed principal, students, faculty, classified employees, parents and patrons. It will include the remainder of the required internship hours in school district offices, the USBE or other USBE-approved and appropriate agencies or school settings.
The internship will have the majority of the school-level supervised experience during the regular school day in concentrated blocks of a minimum of three hours each when students are present. The internship must include experiences at both elementary and secondary school levels. Administrative Interns will complete these expectations in part or completely in Provo City Schools after having been approved by the Executive Director of Human Resources.
Referências legais
- Utah Admin. Code R277-504
- Utah Admin. Code R277-505
Aprovado pelo Conselho de Educação
12 de maio de 2015
Revised: October 10, 2017
- Early Childhood
- Elementary, Secondary
- Special Education (K-12), and Preschool Special Education (Birth-Age 5)
- Licensure Administrative License Areas of Concentration and Programs