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Last modified: março 19, 2025

Term of Instruction for School Days and the School Year

Length of School Year

The schools of the District shall be in operation for at least 180 instructional days. The school year shall consist of at least 990 instructional hours during each school year, except as follows:

  • 1st Grade must have a minimum of 810 hours and 180 days.
  • The Board (and the district) may receive flexibility alternatives from the state. The Board will review these periodically as they may be relevant to the overall instructional program in the district. Examples may include the number of waiver days, varied school schedules, etc.

Semester Basis

The District shall operate on a quarter or semester basis and shall adhere to the requirements of the appropriate curriculum prepared by the State Board of Education.

Beginning Date

Student attendance for the first semester of the regular school term shall be established by the Board pursuant to a calendar adopted annually as prescribed in Board Policy 2900: District Calendar Development. The first and last days of school, as well as the identification of terms and semesters, are established through this process.

Emergency/Activity Days

The annual school calendar adopted by the Board shall include time for closures due to emergencies, activities, or extreme weather conditions. If school is closed for these or any other reason, the instructional time missed shall be made up so the minimum school program instructional requirements are met.

Parent-Teacher and SEOP Conferences

With Board approval, schools may conduct parent-teacher and SEOP conferences during the day, and the time for those conferences may be counted as instructional time up to the equivalent of three full school days or 16.5 hours during a school year.

Kindergarten Assessment

The Board may designate up to 12 instructional days at either or both the beginning and end of the school year for assessment of students entering or completing kindergarten. Assessments shall be conducted by qualified school employees. The assessment time per student must be adequate to justify the amount of instructional time used for assessment. Parents/guardians of these students shall receive information during the summer about the start-up processes for kindergarten.

Length of Day and Schedule

A normal school day is not less than 6.5 hours, including intermissions and recesses, of which not less than 4 hours shall be devoted to instruction. Kindergarten sessions shall have at least 2 hours per instructional day of instructional time. The primary grades may be dismissed somewhat earlier than the other grades.

Exceptions for Students With Unusual Problems

At the Board’s discretion, the length of time an individual student is required to be in school on instructional days may be varied for students with unusual problems. Such variance will be established on an individual basis according to the student’s particular needs.

After School/Evening Sessions

The Board shall provide late afternoon and evening sessions and determine which students shall be admitted or assigned to such school programs. Eligibility requirements, as defined by the policies of the State Board of Education, shall be applicable to those students attending late afternoon and evening sessions.

Referências legais

  • Utah Admin. Rules R277-419
  • Utah Code § 53F-2-205


Aprovado pelo Conselho de Educação: 18 de novembro de 2014

Synopsis: Pupil Accounting – General Administration of the Minimum School Program

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