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Last modified: março 19, 2025

Policy 4425 P1 Transfer Credit Evaluation Standards and Guidelines

The Board of Education of the Provo City School District establishes credit evaluation standards to ensure equity and fairness to all students when evaluating credit earned at institutions not falling under the direct supervision of the District.

Transfer of Credit

Credits from Accredited Schools

Students who have transferred into a district high school may have credits and grades approved/accepted if from a public, charter, or private school accredited or approved by the Utah State Board of Education. Credits earned at an accredited school or post-secondary institutions will be accepted at face value in district schools.

Provo City School District schools will not change or re-evaluate any credit that has been placed on an official student transcript from an accredited public or private school consistent with credit approval criteria as outlined by Utah Administrative Rule R277-410-9.

Credits from Non-Accredited Schools

Credits earned at non-accredited schools will be reviewed by a Credit Evaluation Committee and might not be accepted. Students who enter Provo City School District schools after transferring from a public or private non-accredited school or home school must meet the same requirements for graduation as outlined in District Policy 4410 P1.

Credits from Colleges & Universities

Students that transfer class credit and grades from other accredited colleges or universities may be granted core or required credit and grade for courses that are similar in content and expectation as existing district courses. College courses that are not aligned to existing district courses may be counted as elective credit only. Transfer students shall be required to provide college course descriptions from previous school(s). The district reserves the right to issue a pass/fail grade.

College to high school credit ratio for courses will translate to:

A three (3.0) semester-credit-hour college class is the equivalent to one (1.0) high school credit.

District Students Attending International Schools

Provo City School District students who attend school in a foreign country for one or more years and then return to Provo must submit a transcript of courses taken for a credit evaluation to the Credit Evaluation Committee. Credits may be posted to the student’s official transcript if approved by the committee.

Exchange Students Attending District Schools

When exchange students enroll in district schools seeking to earn a Provo City School District diploma, the student’s transcript will be evaluated on an individual basis by the Credit Evaluation Committee to determine which credits the District may accept. Students may be required to demonstrate proficiency in courses/subjects when the conversion to local grades/credits is problematic. Pass-Fail grades will be granted for courses approved by the committee.

Students who enter Provo City School District schools after enrolling from an international school must meet the same requirements for graduation as outlined in District Policy 4410 P1.

High School Credit for Students in Grades Seven and Eight

The State Board of Education accreditation standards provided in Utah Administrative Rule R277-410-8 are applicable to public junior high and middle schools in their entirety if the schools include 9th grade. The accreditation of Utah public elementary schools or middle schools without 9th grade is optional.

Students in grades seven and eight may receive credit for fulfilling high school graduation requirements. Students enrolled in a high school level course at a district middle school may have the credit included on a middle school student’s academic record. Whether the course grade will also be placed on the student’s high school transcript will be the choice of the parent; by the end of the first month of each semester, a written request must be made to the middle school counselor and principal.

Courses completed at a middle school, however, may not reduce the number of credits required to complete a high school diploma. In addition, these courses may not qualify for Regents and NCAA Scholarships. Students should meet with a high school counselor for guidance.

Credit Evaluation Committee

The District shall establish a Credit Evaluation Committee to evaluate all requests for credit from homeschool, non-accredited and foreign institutions. The District Committee shall include representation from each high school and will evaluate each request according to the following criteria:

  1. As conclusões do Comitê de Avaliação de Crédito serão baseadas em cada uma das seguintes formas de evidência:
    1. Course title and description
    2. List of instructional materials used
    3. Student achievement (progress)
      1. Formative evaluations (sample)
      2. Summative evaluations (sample)
    4. Correlation of course objectives with the core standards for Utah public schools as outlined by the Utah State Board of Education.
    5. Course length and student attendance
      1. Number of days the class met
      2. Normal class length
      3. Number of classes attended by the student
    6. Grading criteria used
    7. Teacher name, qualifications, certifications, endorsements, etc.
    8. Course requirements for credit (representative sample of student work)
    9. Copy of student records
  2. In addition to the forms of evidence listed above, students seeking credit may be required to demonstrate competency through end-of-level testing approved by the District in areas where competency tests are available.
  3. Costs associated with the determination of credit, including competency level testing, will be borne by the parent/guardian of the student requesting credit consideration.
  4. The Credit Evaluation Committee (Committee) will schedule four meetings per year for credit consideration. Requests for interim meetings may be made to the Committee and held at the discretion of the Chairperson.
    1. The school and student requesting credit consideration will be notified of the Committee’s decision in writing no later than seven (7) working days following the Committee meeting.
    2. Approved credit from non-accredited institutions will be recorded on the student transcript. Grades will NOT be recorded and will NOT be considered in the student Grade Point Average (GPA) unless the committee determines that evidence provided by the student aligns with state standards and district grading expectations.
    3. Pass-Fail grades will be granted for courses approved by the committee.

Appeals for Denial of Credit

The decision to deny credit may be appealed by the parent/guardian of the student to the Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools or his/her designee. Requests for appeal must be written and submitted within ten (10) working days following the committee decision. This is the final administrative appeal.

Referências legais

  • Código de Utah Ann. 53E-3-501
  • Utah Admin Code R277-410
  • Utah Admin Code R277-705

Aprovado pelo Conselho de Educação

October 28, 2019

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