Last modified: março 19, 2025
Policy 4420 P1 Grading and Progress Reports: High Schools
The following table delineates relevant information regarding grades and grade values. Many of the terms are explained later in the procedure.
Grade | Percent Range | GPA Point Value | Related Information |
A | 93-100% | 4.0 | Excellent performance, superior achievement |
A- | 90-92% | 3.7 | Good performance, substantial achievement |
B+ | 87-89% | 3.3 | Good performance, substantial achievement |
B | 83-86% | 3.0 | Good performance, substantial achievement |
B- | 80-82% | 2.7 | Good performance, substantial achievement |
C+ | 77-79% | 2.3 | Standard performance and achievement |
C | 73-76% | 2.0 | Standard performance and achievement |
C- | 70-72% | 1.7 | Standard performance and achievement |
D | 60-69% | 1.0 | Substandard performance, marginal achievement |
F | 59% and below | 0.0 | Unsatisfactory performance and achievement |
I | 0.0 | Some work is yet to be completed by the end of the semester. For a final grade, remaining work must be completed within specified timeline. | |
P | 0.0 | A rarely-used option for most other courses, P/F shall be used for all credit recovery courses. Must be requested in the first two weeks of the course. | |
W | 0.0 | The student withdraws from the class within an approved window of time. | |
NG | 0.0 | In rare cases, the student receives no grade for the class. |
Grading and Grade Interpretation
- Grades issued when a student withdraws to go to another school: Letter grades will be issued to students who withdraw from school after the first three (3) weeks of the first term of either semester. For three weeks or less of attendance prior to withdrawal, the school may issue W or I grades.
- Students transferring to a Provo City School District school will have their exit grades from the previous accredited school accepted into the new school when possible
- A “W” (withdrawal) will be indicated for a student-initiated withdrawal from a class after the first 10 days of each semester’s 1st term. A “W” Grade might also be issued in rare, extreme cases such as a death in the family, severe medical condition, etc.
- A student seeking Pass/Fail progress grades must make that request by the end of the 10th school day at the beginning of term 1 for the semester. Pass/Fail will not be considered for students trying to avoid a negative GPA impact of a low letter grade. Pass/Fail grades earn no credit toward graduation. Exception: credit recovery courses via “packets.” Credit recovery courses shall receive P/F.
- GRADES/CREDITS (A-F) will be awarded to students who withdraw from the school after day 36 to the end of the term. The new school is expected to award the grades/credit once it has been verified by receipt of records from the previous school.
- An incomplete grade (I) must be made up before the end of the immediate next semester (half of a semester) or it automatically reverts to an “F”. An “I” received in a school year 4th term for a 12th grade student will be treated as an F in terms of meeting graduation requirements.
Impact of Cheating on Grades
Issues and consequences regarding academic integrity are defined in Policy/Procedure 4485.
Grade Changes
After receiving a request from a student/parent, the teacher may initiate a grade change, and principals must approve any changes. Principals, counselors, or other administrators may not arbitrarily change grades issued by teachers. Grades may only be changed at the school where they were issued.
Grade appeals are to be addressed to the teacher and the principal within 15 calendar days of receiving the grade. If the parent believes that the teacher has violated district or school policies and procedures regarding grading, and the teacher and/or principal do not settle the appeal, the parent may then appeal to the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning within 15 calendar days. The decision of the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning will be final.
All such changes must be initiated by the teacher assigning the grade and must be approved in writing by the principal and the rationale for the change kept on file. A principal may not arbitrarily change a grade. All changes must be made before the end of the next grading period.
If the grade change request involves a teacher who has left the school, the principal and department chair will review and consider the request. After a semester letter grade (A-F) has been recorded, no additional class work may be accepted to improve a student’s grade. If work assigned during the cycle was not completed, the student should receive an “I,” and the grade changed when the work is completed within the required time frame. See also Policy 4425 Credits and Transcripts.
Rounding a Grade
All grade averages with a remainder of .5 or above will be rounded off to the next highest full number, including 69.5, which rounds off to 70. Grades with a remainder of less than .5 will be rounded down to the next lowest full number.
What Does Not Impact a Grade
- Nonacademic considerations such as attendance or participation in extracurricular activities are not used in determining grades.
- Until or unless state regulations permit, standardized state assessment scores do not impact course grade.
Incomplete Grades
In rare cases when a cycle grade cannot be determined, the teacher may choose to report that the grade is “Incomplete”. Any grade reported as “Incomplete” must be resolved before the last day of the immediate next semester. It is the responsibility of the teacher issuing the Incomplete to determine the reasonable timelines for the completion and assessment of the missing material and to promptly report the grade.
A grade reported as “Incomplete” for the final grading cycle must be resolved by the end of the regular summer school program. If an “Incomplete” grade is not made up within the prescribed time frame, a grade of zero (0) should be given for each missing assignment and then all assignment and test scores will be averaged to determine the final semester grade.
Grading Periods and Progress Reporting
Throughout each school year, four (4) official grading periods are created and to the extent possible, balanced in the number of instructional days per quarter/term. Progress reports will be issued as follows:
- Mid-Semester 1 (Term 1 – Late October): Progress reports will be issued for students in any course with a current grade standing of a C or lower. Teachers may choose to issue grades for students with grades higher than a C at that point, but are not required to do so.
- End of Semester 1 (Mid-to-Late January): Official report cards will be issued at the conclusion of Semester 1.
- Mid-Semester 2 (Term 1 – Late March): Progress reports will be issued for students in any course with a current grade standing of a C or lower. Teachers may choose to issue grades for students with grades higher than a C at that point, but are not required to do so. Secondary students receiving such reports will be enrolled for Summer School to ensure that they remain on track for graduation.
- End of Semester 2 (Late May): Official report cards will be issued at the conclusion of Semester 2. In June, all high school students will also receive an updated transcript.
Provo City School District teachers enter student grades for assignments, tests, and other assigned work on a regular basis into PowerSchool. Parents are encouraged to create a PowerSchool account and regularly check on the academic progress of their child/children.
Aprovado pelo Conselho de Educação
Adopted June 6, 2016
Revised: October 28, 2019