Bake Shop Play in Provo Peaks Classroom
março 25th, 2025
As a dedicated kindergarten teacher, Cecily Clark has found an innovative way to teach her students...
Toda semana, a superintendente Wendy Dau compartilha uma atualização em vídeo com a comunidade de Provo City, fornecendo notícias importantes e percepções sobre o Distrito Escolar de Provo City. Assista semanalmente à última atualização em vídeo para se manter informado sobre todos os principais eventos e desenvolvimentos em nossas escolas.
Hello, Provo City. I am Superintendent Dau from the Provo City School District. Today is Monday, March 24th. Thank you for joining us today. I wanted to give you a couple of updates. Many of you may have noticed some heavy excavating equipment at Wasatch Elementary. We did have a sinkhole that developed at Wasatch Elementary in one of the parking lots to the southwest of the building.
There appears to be some sort of drainage issue in that wall that’s causing the wall to bow out. The building itself is just fine. We are having the engineers who designed that as well as Hogan Construction. Who is the contractor that worked with us on this particular building, they’re working through all of those pieces to get that repaired, it likely will take several months to be able to do so, to figure out not only the cause of the problem, but also to make sure that that gets fixed properly. This is not at additional cost to the district. This is all being insured through our contractors and through the agreements that we have with ’em. So rest assured that it will get fixed appropriately without those additional costs to the school district. So I just wanted to make you aware of that.
I also want to make you aware that this Friday we have an all day board meeting that will take place at the Grand View Technology Center. In this particular board meeting we’re gonna be discussing the following issues. We’re going to be talking about land annexation. We have some territory, territory land over by Provo High School that is still considered to be part of Utah County.
So we’re getting those realigned. So that they come into Provo City School District, so that we are collecting the taxes on that. There are a couple of other areas where we need to make sure that those boundaries are in alignment and we’re working with Alpine School District to do that, , and to ensure that that takes place in a timely manner. We’ll be talking about that in our board meeting.
We are also going to be evaluating various programs such as dual language immersion, as well as our CAS program. Looking at next steps we know that we subsidize both of these programs with additional funding. Are there better ways to offer these opportunities? Is there a a different model that we can use to make that happen? Or do we just understand that that’s an expense that we need to have because it serves so many of our students, so effectively. So we’ll be looking at that and having discussions about that. So you may wanna tune into that. And then, oh, as always, feel free to contact board members with your questions or opinions about those particular matters. I know they really care about what our constituents think regarding those particular issues.
We will also be discussing budget priorities for the 2025/2026 school year. We’ll be sharing some survey data from our employees about what their budgeting priorities are. It’s really important to remember that just because the legislature votes for a 4% WPU increase, meaning per pupil spending increase, does not mean that that automatically goes towards a 4% increase in teacher salaries.
Our insurance costs have gone up by a significant amount. So we can put that money towards salaries, but then that also means that our employees would pick up the additional expenditures tied to insurance. And sometimes our employees would prefer not to do that. They would prefer the district to be covering more of those costs.
So we have to look at all of those different pieces. We also need to recognize that our overall operating costs have gone up because of inflation. And so there’s just a lot that goes into how we budget and what that looks like. And so we’ll be having a discussion about that as we start to prioritize some things in the 2025/2026 school year.
We will also be looking at various policies to update those as well. Some of them will be on a second reading and will be adopted by the board in that particular meeting. So you can look online and see exactly what those policies are. Many of them have already gone through a first reading so just be aware of that.
We have a new parental leave policy that will be going into effect on July 1st. That’s in accordance with state law. There’s just a lot of different things that we’re getting caught up on. We will also be having a brief discussion about online education. And how we’re going to get our system in place for competency based credits and what that looks like.
Also, making some adjustments now that the GED actually counts, can count towards some credits towards graduation and how we need to align that more specifically and our course requirements and, and our diploma requirements. So more to come about all of those types of things in our all day board meeting.
Also just want to thank those of you who have been part of our Community Connections committee and our parent advisory committee. We will be doing regular reports to the Board of Education about those particular committees and highlighting some of the things that are coming out as a result.
As we get closer to our next parent advisory committee I will let you know about what those specific issues are that the committee is really zeroing in on as we move in that direction. As always, I wanna thank those of you that were flexible. Last Tuesday, as we did a late start. Many people asked why that happened.
That’s because as a superintendent, I received a notice. From the Utah Department of Transportation that asked for all commutes to be delayed until after 9:00 AM and in an effort to be a good community partner, we tried to honor that. And so we went through that process and deliberated that and announced it the night before.
And the reason for announcing it the night before is just so that families hopefully have a little bit more time to figure out. Who’s gonna get their little ones to school? What does that look like? Do I need to make some adjustments to my morning schedule rather than when we do it and people only have an hour to make those adjustments?
We recognize that many of our employees live across the valley and have lengthier commutes and we wanted to ensure that they had the additional time that they needed to be able to get to school. It doesn’t do us any good to send kids to school if there are no adults there to welcome ’em.
And not every school has individuals that live right within their community that all work within that school. That might be the case with some of our schools, but certainly not a majority of ’em. And so we have to take all of those factors into account. So I appreciate your flexibility with that. I know it’s never convenient when we have to adjust a schedule but I appreciate you being understanding of that and working to accommodate that. But just wanted to explain the rationale behind that decision making process.
We don’t always trust our apps ’cause they’re very, they give very differing situation based on where you are. And so that’s why we worked with KSL as well as UDOT to make those decisions.
I think with that next week is spring break, so you will not have a video cast from me next week. We hope you all have a fantastic spring break next week and enjoy the time off and and that you’ll stay tuned to board meeting and look at different topics that might be of interest to you as we are starting to do some extensive planning for the 2025/2026 school year.
And then I just wanna give some huge shout outs to a couple of our educators. Kayla Spurlock is a music teacher at Franklin Elementary. She has received the Sorenson Legacy Awards for Excellence in Arts Education. She does an amazing job of making music accessible to the students at Franklin and just has so much passion and excitement. She does fantastic work.
I also want to give a shout out to Debbie Moon, who is this week’s Provo Way award winner. She is one of our behavior coaches, we call them PBIS coaches and she really does a fantastic job of supporting schools and students with behaviors. Jumping in without hesitation. She has a positive attitude. She’s always trying to think about how she can better support schools and our teachers and our students and families. So big shout out to her.
Also wanna give a shout out to different groups within our schools. So our first grade team at Lakeview Elementary has done a phenomenal job on reaching their goals for their Utah Early Learning plan.
Our sixth grade math team at Timpanogos Elementary is having tremendous success. We just have these successes all over the district and we need to remember that we have a tremendous educators and great outcomes across our district. So just wanted to end with those celebrations and have a fantastic week everyone.
As a dedicated kindergarten teacher, Cecily Clark has found an innovative way to teach her students...
17 de março Conselheiro: Centennial Middle School Professor secundário: Assistente 3 da Escola de Ensino Médio Timpview...
Tome nota, Provo! As férias de primavera do distrito escolar da cidade de Provo estão chegando...