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Earlier this month, members from the STEM Action Center visited Westridge Elementary classrooms.

The members came to provide a STEM activity for the students to participate in. As the students worked on the activity, the members observed and took video to use for a STEM video the STEM Action Center is creating.

One of the members began by instructing students using a PowerPoint presentation about electricity and circuits. He then split the students into small groups and gave them the challenge of using circuits and play dough to produce a light from a small light bulb. The students had to work together to brainstorm and create a mechanism that would make the light bulb light up. All of the groups were able to accomplish this in their own time.

Through this presentation, students were able to figure out how to complete the project by working together in groups, which helps them to develop both critical thinking and team building skills.

Thank you to the STEM Action Center for creating a hands-on educational experience for our students!

boy experiments with playdough and wires

team stops experiment to smile for a picture

Shauna Sprunger
  • Coordinator of Communications
  • Shauna Sprunger