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Elicia Gray is teaching Lakeview Elementary students how to solve problems through art. Gray is currently the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP) specialist. She is passionate about art and won the 2017 Sorenson Legacy Award for Elementary Visual Arts Instruction.

When faced with obstacles, Gray encourages students to think creatively to find solutions. Last year, Gray assigned students to find a real world problem and then create a robot to fix that problem. This project allowed students to become critical thinkers. “I love watching kids explore new ideas and become problem solvers,” Gray explains.

The hard work her students put into the robots was evident. There were robots that could solve loneliness, homelessness, and world hunger. There were mommy-bots, babysitting-bots and more. With some encouragement from Gray, and a lot of faith in her students, kids were able to expand their creativity.

Educational Learning magazine took interest in this project and asked Gray to write an article. The article was just published in the October magazine, which you can access online here at the Educational Learning Magazine website. (You will need to create a login to view the full article.)

Provo City School District values Gray’s 20 years of dedicated teaching experience. Gray continually encourages her students to think critically and face problems head on. We are proud to have Elicia Gray teaching these fundamental lessons at Lakeview Elementary School.

Shalee Hiskey
  • Shalee Hiskey