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19 kovo, 2025 m.
"Visada prisiminsiu savo šaknis": "Shoreline's Latinos in Action" studentai siūlo esė apie...
Timpview High School’s TSA (Technology Student Association) chapter had a strong showing at the Utah TSA State Conference, held at the Provo Convention Center. Seventeen students competed across a range of events, demonstrating their ability to plan, pitch, pivot on the fly, and execute at an elite level. Among the highlights:
With their 1st place finishes, both the Video Game Design and Geospatial Technology teams have qualified to represent Timpview at the National TSA Conference in Nashville this June.
In addition to her outstanding competition results, Veronica Gao was elected as TSA State President for the upcoming school year and is considering a run for National Office—a remarkable honor and opportunity for leadership at the national level.
Congratulations to all the students who competed, and best of luck to our Nationals-bound teams this summer!
"Visada prisiminsiu savo šaknis": "Shoreline's Latinos in Action" studentai siūlo esė apie...
Dėl prognozuojamų oro sąlygų ir susirūpinimą keliančių galimų kelių būklės...
Praėjusią savaitę "Covey" menų centre vyko kūrybiškumo šou, kuriame dalyvavo Provo vidurinės mokyklos...