Last modified: 25 kovo, 2025
Policy 5240 P2 Educational Support Professional Evaluation Plan
Educational Support Professional Evaluation Plan
The Evaluation Plan for ESP employees is comprised of three components:
- Employee’s Self-Evaluation / Appraisal review with supervisor
- Job Description Review
- Final Evaluation / Appraisal
Evaluation Areas
- Job Functions — Essential duties and responsibilities associated with each job title evaluated using a 5-point scale as follows:
- Exceptional
- Above Standard
- Meets Standard
- Marginal
- Unsatisfactory
- Kompetencijos — Job related skills and abilities evaluated using a 2-point rating scale as follows:
- Meets Expectations
- Needs Improvement
- District Standards — District-wide performance and behavior standards evaluated using a 2-point scale as follows:
- Meets Expectations
- Needs Improvement
Self-Evaluation / Appraisal
All ESP employees will complete a self-evaluation/appraisal by October 15th.
- ESP employees will use the district’s approved evaluation platform to complete their self-evaluation/appraisal.
- The supervisor will review each employee’s self-evaluation/appraisal and will collaboratively set goals with the ESP employee prior to Thanksgiving Break.
Job Description Review
All ESP employees will review their job description while completing their self-evaluation/appraisal to understand the essential functions and responsibilities of their job.
- The job descriptions will be reviewed by the employee and the supervisor to create an understanding of essential functions, expectations, and job duties associated with the self-evaluation/appraisal and goal setting process.
Final Evaluation
Utilizing the District’s approved evaluation platform, all supervisors will complete a final evaluation/appraisal for each employee and review the evaluation with each employee by the last day of school. All evaluations will be submitted electronically to Human Resources by June 1.
2022 m. spalio 31 d.