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Last modified: 25 kovo, 2025

Policy 5240 P1 Certified Employee Evaluation Plan

Evaluation of Educator Effectiveness Procedure


The Evaluation Plan for certified employees is comprised of three components:

  • Professional Performance on State Approved Standards
  • Student growth based on PLC data
  • Stakeholder input

Professional Performance

Assessment of an educator’s professional performance will be based on observations. The supervisor of an educator will base their observations on the Utah State Effective Teaching Standards or the Utah State Effective Leadership Standards, respectively. Observation of an educator’s performance will take place in the classroom and any other locations where an educator carries out the duties and responsibilities he or she has been assigned. Components of Professional Performance are as follows:

  • Educators will be informed of the evaluation process and standards at least 15 days prior to the first supervisor observation.
  • All standards from the Utah Effective Teaching Standards and Utah Effective Leadership Standards will be scored on summative and formative evaluation cycles.
  • During the self-evaluation portion of the pre-observation conference, the educator and his or her supervisor will collaborate to identify two standards to focus on. The two standards will constitute areas of emphasis for the designated school year. The areas of emphasis will be identified by reviewing the educator’s completed self-evaluation and professional growth plan to improve student outcomes. Unless there are concerns on the part of the supervisor making it inappropriate to do so, the remaining 8 standards will be marked as meeting standard or effective.
  • Summative evaluations will consist of two formal observations. The first observation must be completed by December 15th. The second observation must be completed by May 1st. The summative evaluation form must be completed and signed by the educator and the supervisor by May 25th. The evaluation form will be submitted to the Human Resources Department by June 1st.
  • Formative evaluations will consist of one observation. The formative evaluation will be completed and signed by the educator and the supervisor by May 1st.
  • Evidence will be collected by supervisors through drop-in visits, formal and informal observations, documents provided by the educator, data, and other information that informs the supervisor regarding the performance of an educator in relation to the areas of emphasis and the other established educator standards.

Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Team Process

The PLC Team Process component of an educator’s evaluation includes the educator’s continued efforts to improve student outcomes by collaborating with other educators to ensure the following:

  • Establish learning goals (learning targets, learning objectives, learning outcomes, etc.)
  • Identifying and implement best instructional practices
  • Gathering evidence of student learning (assessment data, writing samples, performance of understanding, etc.)
  • Reviewing evidence to determine which students have mastered the established learning goals
  • Adjusting instruction and/or reteaching the established learning goals

Stakeholder Input

The Stakeholder Input component of an educator’s evaluation will consist of the following:

  • A survey will be made available for two weeks during the school year for all parents and students to give feedback for all educators at a specific location.
  • The student and parent survey will each consist of questions used to gather stakeholder input.
  • The results of the survey will be shared with educators by February 15th. Educators will have a chance to respond to stakeholder input and implement changes as is determined to be appropriate.
  • Educators will be measured on a yes/no basis on their efforts to improve based on feedback from the survey.
  • The recording of yes/no on this component of an educator’s evaluation will be reported to the educator by May 25th.

Evaluator Certification

All evaluators have attended or will attend the state approved evaluation training and are certified or will be certified by July 1st in order to complete educator evaluations.


2022 m. spalio 31 d.

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