Last modified: 25 kovo, 2025
Policy 5240 Evaluation of Employee Effectiveness
The Board recognizes that the quality of public education can be improved and enhanced by systematic, fair, and competent annual evaluation of all employees and through the remediation of those whose performance is inadequate. The purpose of the evaluation process is to improve student achievement by promoting professional growth and identifying and encouraging quality instruction. To this end, the Board shall develop a comprehensive District Evaluation Plan. In compliance with Utah State Code and Utah Board of Education rule, the District receives regular input from a joint committee of parents, educators, and administrators.
Certified Employees
In accordance with Utah State Board Rule, educator effectiveness will be based on the Utah Effective Teaching Standards and the Utah Effective Leadership Standards. Teacher evaluations may be completed by (1) the principal or assistant principal; (2) the employee’s immediate supervisor (in specific cases); or another person in the evaluation plan with direct knowledge of the employee’s duties and performance. The Superintendent, or his or her designee, shall evaluate District Administrators. The Assistant Superintendent over Secondary Education shall evaluate Secondary School Administrators, and the Assistant Superintendent over Elementary Administrators shall evaluate Elementary School Administrators. Procedure 1 of this policy outlines the District’s Certified Employee Plan.
As per State Board Rule 53G-11-509, the Certified Evaluation Plan shall include: (1) an evaluation orientation prior to beginning the evaluation process; (2) the use of valid, reliable, and systematic methods and tools; (3) a requirement for the twice annual evaluation of provisional employees; (4) a provision for the annual evaluation of all career employees; (5) the use of multiple lines of evidence; (6) the use of both summative and formative assessment; (7) a reasonable number of observations to ensure reliability; and (8) a method of providing feedback to the educator during and following the evaluation process.
Career educators shall receive a summative evaluation once every three years and formative evaluations the other two years of the three-year cycle. Provisional educators shall receive summative evaluations for the first three years of employment with the District. Probationary educators will receive multiple formative and summative assessments as needed during their probationary period.
Observations of educator effectiveness shall be done in a variety of locations and situations, including, but not limited to, the classroom, professional development activities, collaboration time, leadership assignments, and or parent interactions using both the state established protocols and other district adopted formative and summative observation tools.
Educator performance shall be measured using a four-point rubric, which will rate educator effectiveness as (0) Not Effective; (1) Emerging or Minimally Effective; (2) Effective; (3)
Highly Effective.
Provisional and Probationary educators will be assigned a mentor and be given training and resources to improve their teaching effectiveness.
If, through the evaluation process, an employee’s performance is found to be unsatisfactory, the evaluator shall provide adequate support (mentoring, coaching, training, etc.) to help the employee meet expected standard of performance. Only after adequate support has been provided and the employee still fails to meet the required performance standard, will the supervisor follow Policy 5280-Disciplinary Action, Non-Renewal and Termination.
Employees may provide a written response to their evaluation without appeal within 15 days of receipt of their evaluation.
Employees who believe their evaluation is not an accurate reflection of their work performance may appeal in writing to the Deputy Superintendent within 15 work days of receipt of their evaluation. Evidence supporting the claim of the appeal must be included in the written appeal.
The Deputy Superintendent will review the appeal and issue a decision in writing within 20 work days. Employees who are not satisfied with the decision of the Deputy Superintendent may appeal in writing to the Superintendent or his or her designee providing evidence to support their claim. The Superintendent or his or her designee will respond in writing within 20 work days.
The superintendent or his or her designee’s decision is final.
The District shall report to the Utah State School Board of Education the required information regarding annual educator evaluations. The district shall protect the privacy of personal evaluation information.
Seasonal and temporary employees are not subject to this policy.
Educational Support Professionals
Educational Support Professionals (ESP) are critical to supporting learning and to the effective management and operations of the School District. In accordance with established best practices, the Board of Education shall require the annual evaluation of every ESP. The evaluation of each employee will be conducted by his or her direct supervisor or another person in the evaluation plan with direct knowledge of the employee’s duties and performance. Each employee’s evaluation will be based on their essential job functions and required skills, knowledge, and abilities as outlined in the employee’s job description. Procedure 2 of this policy outlines the District’s Educational Support Professionals Evaluation Plan.
Teisinės nuorodos
- R277-531 and R277-533 State Code Authorizing Supervision of Requirements
- 53G-11-501 – Definitions
- 53G-11-504 – Evaluation of Employee Performance
- 53G-11-505 – Reporting to State Legislature
- 53G-11-506 – Components and Timeline of Evaluation Plan
- 53G-11-507 – Joint Committee Guidelines
- 53G-11-508 – Components of Evaluation Requirements
- 53G-11-509 – Appeal Process
- 53G-11-510 – Educator Evaluation Framework Set by USBE
- 53G-11-511 – State Reporting Requirements
- 53G-11-512 – Dismissal Procedures Granted to Local School Boards
Patvirtino Švietimo taryba
2013 m. gegužės 14 d.
Revised: May 2014
Approved by Board of Education: June 10, 2014