Last modified: 21 kovo, 2025
Policy 5090 P2 Conduct Expectations of Coaches and Activity Advisors
Expectations for Coaches and Activity Advisors
The Provo City School District Board of Education supports extra-curricular and co-curricular activities for students, especially at the secondary level. The Board further supports the hiring of employees who can also coach/advise approved athletic teams, clubs, and co-curricular activities that are extensions of classrooms.
The Board recognizes, however, that some head coaches/activity advisors along with assistants, may not come from the ranks of district employees. The Board further expresses appreciation for the many coaches and activity sponsors who provide innumerable activities and opportunities for students. Such individuals are in important and special positions to influence students. As such, the Board has established this policy as a reminder that at the heart of athletics and activities is the desire for students to develop skills, interests, and positive life-long memories as a result.
Regardless of whether coaches/activity advisors hold other positions of employment within the district, all individuals performing duties in such roles, including volunteers, are regarded as employees, as follows:
- All persons working directly with students must be cleared through fingerprint and background checks, conducted through the district Human Resources department.
- All persons are expected to maintain professional standards of conduct with students.
- All persons are expected to maintain professional standards of conduct with others in the district, including those in supervisory roles.
- All persons are expected to maintain professional standards of conduct with parents and the community.
- All persons are expected to maintain appropriate boundaries with students that are consistent with the legal and ethical duty of care that school personnel have for students.
- All persons are expected to follow (and be accountable for following) all district policies and state laws applicable to school districts.
- All persons are subject to disciplinary action for violation of any of the general standards above.
All educators will strive to:
- Create a positive environment for students to learn, practice, and play/perform/participate.
- Become familiar with current coaching/leadership and teaching techniques.
- Be kind and approachable.
- Provide ALL participants the opportunity to learn and benefit from the activity.
- Make every student feel an important part of the team/group.
- Set clear and reasonable expectations.
- Set reachable goals.
- Be courteous and polite.
- Use good judgment as to when and how to discipline.
- Be positive in situations where there seems to be failure.
- Be fair to all players/students.
- Model good sportsmanship and professionalism.
- Support reasonable and appropriate work of the event organizers, boosters and volunteers (See Policy 6110).
- Remember that the games/activities are for the students.
Coaches and activity advisors will refrain from the following actions:
- Making demeaning comments to/about players, coaches, school staff/administration, and parents.
- Using profane/abusive language, especially in front of and/or directed toward students.
- Developing relationships with students (or members of the students’ families) so as to compromise objectivity, violate the student-adult trust, and/or impair the ability to function in a fair and professional manner.
- Violating established and expected standards of conduct, language, and professionalism.
The Board directs the superintendent to ensure that proper procedures, practices, and guidelines are implemented throughout the district, whether in school-based athletic/activity handbooks, or by formal district procedures. Coaches and activity advisors may be disciplined or removed from respective positions if this policy and related guidelines are violated. The district will also take into consideration any external sanctions such as from the league and/or Utah High School Activities Association.
Upon request, the board may choose to review such practices to ensure that the spirit of this policy is being met in all district athletics, activities, and related programs.
LEA fiskalinė politika ir atskaitomybė
Teisinės nuorodos
- Utah Administrative Code R277-113
- Utah Administrative Code R277-515
Patvirtino Švietimo taryba
2014 m. gegužės 13 d.
Revised: Sept. 26, 2018; August 26, 2019