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Last modified: 21 kovo, 2025

Policy 5050 P1 Educator Licensing: License Type and Applicant Screening

Types of Educator Licenses

Professional Educator License – A license issued to an individual upon completion of a University/College program and subsequent recommendation, or by completing the requirements of an alternate Educator Preparation Program or Pathway that is recognized by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). A Professional license is valid for 3 or 5 years.

Employees who have been granted their initial Professional Educator license are provisional employees for the first three years of employment in Provo City School District. An educator with a Professional Educator license can be considered provisional for their first year of employment with the district, or for the first year in a new assignment. The assignment change must be out of their content area or different enough to warrant the one year of provisional status. They are only considered provisional for the one year and their license will still indicate professional for the one year.

Associate Educator License – A license issued by the Utah State Board of Education to an individual who is currently working to complete the requirements of an Educator Preparation Program. The individual may be an intern, enrolled in a University Program, CTE pathway, APPEL Program, or another USBE approved pathway program. Educators seeking an Associate Educator License may apply individually to the USBE, or be recommended by a University Program. An Associate license is valid for 2 years.

Employees with an Associated Educator license are considered provisional and will continue to be until they receive a Professional Educator license. This provisional status will continue into their first three years after receiving an initial Professional Educator license.

LEA Specific Educator License – A license issued to an individual that meets locally defined competencies to be a qualified educator to meet critical needs in an approved licensed area of concentration or endorsement area. This type of license requires approval by a School District Board of Education or Charter School Board and then must be subsequently approved by the USBE. An LEA Specific license may be valid for 1, 2, or 3 years.

Employees with an LEA Specific Educator license are considered provisional and will continue to be until they receive a Professional Educator license. This provisional status will continue into their first three years after receiving an initial Professional Educator license.

Educators are required to maintain an active educator license and meet all renewal or upgrade requirements according to the USBE as a condition of employment.

Procedure for Screening Potential Candidates for Licensed Positions

As stated in Provo City School District Policy 5020, the District will hire the best qualified applicant for the position. While there may be infrequent exceptions, the best applicant will in every case possess the licensure, endorsements, certificates and knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the essential functions of the job.

Principals, Directors, and/or Supervisors will verify the license status of applicants as part of the screening process. Qualified individuals who possess the required educator license will be considered before non-licensed applicants. A nonlicensed educator may be considered to fill a vacancy after all appropriately licensed candidates have been considered. Administrators must consult and receive approval from the Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources before hiring a non-licensed educator for a vacancy.


  • R277-301 Educator Licensing
  • Utah Code 53E-6-307
  • PCSD Policy 5020

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