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Last modified: 21 kovo, 2025

Policy 5030 Job Study: Review of Job Description & Salary

The Board of Education recognizes the need for the ongoing creation and modification of employee job descriptions. Due to the frequent emergence of new research, laws, technologies, and other factors, new job positions must often be created, and existing employee job descriptions must often be modified to meet the evolving needs of students. This policy is adopted to ensure that the duties and qualifications of employees stay current and relevant to the operation of the school district in educating students.

The Board of Education delegates to the Superintendent and his staff the responsibility for conducting and completing employee job studies and creating or modifying job descriptions. The most recently completed job studies will be considered in the creation, modification, and adoption of job descriptions, including assignment of lanes.

Job studies shall include any documents and/or associated computer software programs that contain employee job descriptions, job evaluations or appraisals, salary studies, salary schedules, and other information and procedural guidelines meant to facilitate the hiring and proper lane assignment of employees.

Job descriptions for each specific job position shall include the name of the position, essential functions, other functions, job requirements/minimum qualifications, duties and responsibilities, experience, education, certificates and licenses, and any other applicable information related to a specific job position.

In the event a new position is created for which there is no existing job description, a job description for that position will be created under the direction of the Department of Human Resources before a change in placement occurs. The job description will be finalized and assigned a lane ranking. The job description will be the fundamental component in establishing the hiring criteria and in selecting the appropriate person for the position. The essential functions detailed in each job description, as updated from time to time, are binding on employees hired to those positions.

Patvirtino Švietimo taryba

2015 m. gegužės 12 d.

Susijusi politika, procedūros ir formos

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