Last modified: 21 kovo, 2025
Policy 5020 Hiring Standards and Practices
The Provo City School District Board of Education has granted authority to the superintendent to oversee and be responsible for all hiring and employment practices in the district.
The Board, through monthly personnel reports appearing on the monthly Consent Calendar acts upon hiring, transfer, termination, resignation, and retirement activities among the district staff.
The Board expects that only the most qualified employees will be selected for positions. The district will implement fair and equitable hiring practices that will attract and retain the best qualified applicants in accordance with state and federal law. Consideration will be given to internal and external applicants.
In all cases, the District will hire the best qualified applicant for the position. While there may be infrequent exceptions, the best applicant will in every case possess the licensure, endorsements, certificates and knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the essential functions of the job.
All federal and state hiring practices will be followed, and the district will ensure fairness and non-discrimination in all employment processes.
The Board directs the superintendent to develop procedures ensuring fair hiring practices. All applicants must follow such procedures and other directions provided on job postings and position announcements to be considered for employment with the District.
Teisinės nuorodos
Utah Code 34A-5
Kryžminė nuoroda
- Procedure 5020-P1
- Procedure 5020-P2
- Form 5020-F1
- Form 5020-F2
- Form 5020-F3
Patvirtino Švietimo taryba
2014 m. kovo 11 d.
- Utah Labor Code, Utah Antidiscrimination Act
- Hiring Standards and Practices
- Employment of Non-US Citizens
- Request for Letter of Authorization
- Employment of Non-US Citizen Form
- VISA Checklist Non-US Teacher
Susijusi politika, procedūros ir formos
- 5020 Įdarbinimo standartai ir praktika
- 5020 1 procedūra Įdarbinimo standartai ir praktika
- 5020 2 procedūra Ne JAV piliečių įdarbinimas
- 5020 3 procedūra Darbuotojų klasifikacijos
- 5020 4 procedūra Įdarbinimo standartai ir praktika: I antraštinės dalies ir specialiojo ugdymo paraprofesionalų kvalifikacija
- 5020 5 procedūra Įdarbinimo standartai ir praktika: Patikrinimai
- 5020 6 procedūra 6 Užklasinės veiklos trenerių samdymas ir mokymas
- 5020 P7: nepotizmas
- 5020 P8: Veteranų ir veteranų sutuoktinių įdarbinimo pirmenybė
- 5020 1 forma Prašymas išduoti įgaliojimą
- 5020 forma Nr. 2 Ne JAV piliečio įdarbinimas
- 5020 formos 3 vizos kontrolinis sąrašas Ne JAV mokytojas
- 5020 5 forma Patvirtinta rekomendacijų patikrinimo forma
- 5020 6 forma 6 Rekomendacijų patikrinimo forma Įslaptinta
- 5020 9 forma Prašymas dėl išėjimo į pensiją
- 5020 forma 11 Interviu susitarimo forma