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Paskutinį kartą pakeista: vasario 6 d., 2025

3315 P1 Student Reintegration Plans

Reintegration Plans for Students with Violent Felonies or Weapons Offenses       

  1. As used in this section “multidisciplinary team” means:
    • the local education agency;
    • the juvenile court;
    • the Division of Juvenile Justice and Youth Services;
    • a school safety and security specialist designated under Section 53G-8-701.6;
    • school safety and security director designated under Section 53G-8-701.8;
    • a school resource officer if applicable; and
    • any other relevant party that should be involved in a reintegration plan. 
  2. If the District receives a notification from the juvenile court or a law enforcement agency that a student was arrested for, charged with, or adjudicated in the juvenile court for a violent felony, or an offense in violation of Title 76, Chapter 10, Part 5, Weapons, the school shall develop a reintegration plan for the student with a multidisciplinary team, the student, and the student’s parent or guardian, within five (5) days after the day on which the district receives a notification. The district may only deny admission to the student before the 5th day or development of the reintegration plan, whichever comes first.
  3. The reintegration plan should utilize Restorative Practices when planning a reintegration plan. An effective reintegration plan will provide the student in question with a mentor that can help with the transition back into the school setting.
  4. The district may deny admission to the student until the school completes the reintegration plan under Subsection (2). 
  5. The reintegration plan under Subsection (2) shall address:
    • a behavioral intervention for the student;
    • a short-term mental health or counseling service for the student;
    • an academic intervention for the student; and
    • if the violent felony was directed at a school employee or another student within the school, notification of the reintegration plan to that school employee or student and the student’s parent.
    • a safety plan for the student who has committed the offense which includes assurances for how other students will be kept safe. 
  6. While an integration plan is still needed, the district may not reintegrate a student into a school where:
    • a student or staff member has a protective order against the student being reintegrated; or
    • a student or staff member is the victim of a sexual crime committed by the student being reintegrated unless the victim consents.
  7. A reintegration plan is classified as a protected record under GRAMA (Utah Code 63G-2-305).

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  • 2024 m. gruodžio 10 d.
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