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Paskutinį kartą pakeista: spalio 8 d., 2024 m.

Policy 3225: Student Notifications

The Provo City School District will, in its disposition of responsibilities, provide students with notifications, both electronic and non-electronic, concerning school events and activities, as well as emergency response plans related to injuries sustained by students in District or school-sponsored sporting events. Notifications will be given in different formats, depending on unforeseen circumstances related to each specific event.

Non-electronic Notices to Students

Except as otherwise provided in this policy, each school shall establish procedures to provide to students, through non-electronic means, notice of and access by students to information about school activities and events (including schedule changes, extracurricular activities and sporting events), about the district’s comprehensive emergency response plan, and about the district’s emergency response plan for treating sports related injuries that occur during school sports practices and events.

Exceptions to Non-electronic Notice Requirement

The District and District schools may provide students with electronic notices and access to information rather than through non-electronic means if an emergency, unforeseen circumstances, or other incidents arise, and the district or school cannot reasonably provide timely notification through non-electronic means. Schools may provide electronic notices and access to information instead of non-electronic notices and access if the school provides each student with an electronic device which is capable of receiving the electronic notice and access.

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Patvirtinta valdyba

  • 2024 m. rugsėjo 27 d.
lt_LTLietuvių kalba