Mini stipendijos gavėja Jordan Cimenski
26 kovo, 2025 m.
"Šiais laikais mokiniams tikrai reikia praktikos", - sakė anglų kalbos mokytojas Jordanas Cimenskis,...
The Board of Education has recently started to hear information from the boundary and feasibility study. As part of its next steps, a Community Engagement Survey has been created for employees, parents and community members to take.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important survey. Before you begin, we encourage you to watch and listen to the included presentation, which provides essential background information on the district’s current facilities, challenges, and potential future plans.
This survey is designed to gather community input on a variety of topics, including:
Your feedback will help shape the district’s future decisions regarding school facilities, academic programming, and resource distribution.
Please answer each question to the best of your ability. Your responses will remain confidential and will be used solely for planning purposes.
"Šiais laikais mokiniams tikrai reikia praktikos", - sakė anglų kalbos mokytojas Jordanas Cimenskis,...
Atsidavusi vaikų darželio auklėtoja Sesilija Klark (Cecily Clark) rado naujovišką būdą mokyti savo mokinius...
Kovo 17 d: Vidurinės mokyklos mokytojas: Centennial Middle School Vidurinės mokyklos mokytojas: Timpview vidurinės mokyklos asist...