Mini stipendijos gavėja Jordan Cimenski
26 kovo, 2025 m.
"Šiais laikais mokiniams tikrai reikia praktikos", - sakė anglų kalbos mokytojas Jordanas Cimenskis,...
PBIS Coaches are deft hands at education—individuals who can hold data, progress, and the emotional needs of students and staff in equal measure. They do it all and with warmth: they uplift in each school and in any role. That is why Debby Moon is this week’s Provo Way Award recipient.
“Debby is just a ray of sunshine,” says Assistant Director of Student Services Carrie Rawlins. “She comes in and is just willing to take on anything that’s needed,” said Rawlins.
“She steps in a lot for different meetings and things that we have for kids, even if it’s not the schools where she’s assigned. She just wants to help kids in any way possible, and I love that about Debby.”
Her effect is immediate: it doesn’t take a whole day to recognize sunshine, and she brightens, warms, and instills hope everywhere she goes. Thank you, Debby, for making Provo a brighter place.
"Šiais laikais mokiniams tikrai reikia praktikos", - sakė anglų kalbos mokytojas Jordanas Cimenskis,...
Švietimo taryba neseniai pradėjo gauti informaciją iš ribų ir galimybių...
Atsidavusi vaikų darželio auklėtoja Sesilija Klark (Cecily Clark) rado naujovišką būdą mokyti savo mokinius...