Patarėjų padėkos savaitė
- 4 vasario, 2025 m.
Šią savaitę, kai švenčiame patarėjų padėkos savaitę, skiriame akimirką...
Join us for an upcoming 2025 Parent Night.
You can choose the date that works best for you.
Find support for topics related to mental health, substance abuse, suicide prevention and internet safety (including how to enable parental controls on your child’s Chromebook.)
Connect with resources for childcare, therapy, spychological assessment, food, housing and other needs.
Visit with other parents and community organizations, such as United Way, Empowered Parents, Wasatch Behavioral Health, Centro Hispano, SafeUT, Provo Fire, and More
Enter to win prizes, including a pair of Airpods.
Please reach out to Lauren Schoenwald at 801-374-4802 for more information about this event.
Šią savaitę, kai švenčiame patarėjų padėkos savaitę, skiriame akimirką...
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