25-asis PCSD pradinių klasių chorų festivalis Kovo 13 d., 2025 m.
7 vasario, 2025 m.
Kovo 13 d., antradienį, Provo miesto mokyklų apygarda surengs 25-ąjį PCSD pradinio choro...
Every day, Wasatch Elementary starts the day off with two special traditions in their announcements. Before class begins, the Star Spangled Banner plays over the loudspeaker. The students join in, hands on hearts, prior to reciting the Pledge. Saying the Pledge of Allegiance every day is per Utah State code. The National Anthem is a tradition held up by the students of Wasatch themselves.
“They do it because they want to,” a Wasatch administrator explains. “I’ve never done that in any other school I’ve worked in. We contemplated cutting the anthem at one point, but the students overwhelmingly told us they wanted it to stay.” The simple tradition creates a sense of unity in the students. Many are aware that it’s a tradition that the vast majority of other schools don’t share. It is one of the many things that makes Wasatch students proud to be at their school.
Following the Pledge, the students hear a lively broadcast from the Front Office. Tonja Roberts records the morning announcements with an energy that excites the students throughout the school. And each day “Mrs. Bob” sings a song about the lunch options the students will have to choose from.
Wasatch Elementary has a vibrant culture. Though the building will be moving this Spring, the school spirit will stay.
Check out our Instagram page for a video of the Wasatch students, and stay tuned next week, when we will post of reel showing Mrs. Roberts recording the daily announcements.
Kovo 13 d., antradienį, Provo miesto mokyklų apygarda surengs 25-ąjį PCSD pradinio choro...
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