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록 캐년 본사 어시스턴트 킴 체니, 프로보 웨이 어워드를 수상하다

“Students, they love her. They feel very trusting of her,” shared Rock Canyon Instructional Coach Alyce Jayne McKinney. “If they need her help, they’ll go to her, and she’s always there to help.”

These heartfelt words describe Rock Canyon Elementary Office Assistant, Kim Cheney, who was recently honored with the Provo Way Award.

Through monthly Provo Way Awards, the Provo City School District and Board of Education celebrate individuals like Kim, who create a warm and welcoming environment for everyone they serve.

Kim’s positivity and care extend to every interaction. Alyce shared: “She’s very organized, always smiling, always has a hug to give, and is a real asset to our school. We’re really, really glad that she has this honor of being a Provo Way recipient—she truly deserves it.”

Kim’s kindness and unwavering support have made her an essential part of the Rock Canyon community, beloved by students and staff alike.

Thank you, Kim, and congratulations on this well-earned recognition!

Spencer Tuinei
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