마지막 수정: 3월 19, 2025
Policy 4435 P1 Middle School Curriculum Requirements
Middle School Curriculum Requirements
Middle school is an academic and social bridge between a student’s elementary school experience and the increasing levels of rigor to come with each successive high school grade level. In middle school, it is essential that students establish and maintain positive academic skills and behavior that will prepare them for graduation and beyond. The core standards and general core for middle school students are described below.
Middle School Required Courses
Subject Area | Units | Course Information |
Language Arts/English | 2.0 | Grade 7 Language Arts Grade 8 Language Arts |
수학 | 2.0 | Grade 7 Mathematics Grade 8 Mathematics |
과학 | 2.0 | Grade 7 Integrated Science Grade 8 Integrated Science |
사회학 | 1.5 | United States History Utah History |
Other Required | 2.5 | At least one course* in each of the following in grades 7 or 8:
*Courses may be substituted with Prior or Out of Class Learning. See further information below. |
Additional Clarifications from R277-700-5
1. An LEA shall use evidence-based best practices, technology, and other instructional media in middle school curricula to increase the relevance and quality of instruction.
2. An LEA shall use Board-approved summative adaptive assessments to assess student mastery of the following subjects:
- Reading
- Language arts
- 수학
- 과학
3. At the discretion of the LEA board, an LEA board may:
- Offer additional elective courses
- Require a student to complete additional courses
- Set minimum credit requirements
4. Upon parental request, an LEA may substitute a course requirement with a course, extracurricular activity, or experience that is:
- Similar to the course requirement
- Consistent with the student’s plan for college and career readiness
Substitution of Course Requirements
All credit awarded by the Provo City School District will be based upon evidence of proficiency in mastering the learning associated with each credit. Most students will demonstrate the necessary proficiency and earn credit through courses taken as part of the regular school program. However, students may have opportunities to earn credit outside such settings through the demonstration of proficiency. Proficiency is defined as sufficient evidence of student-demonstrated knowledge and skills that meet or exceed defined levels of performance.
The intent of offering credit for proficiency is to:
- Base the award of course credit on proficiency
- Provide more options for students
- Encourage student engagement in learning beyond the classroom in real-world contexts
- Personalize and bring increased relevance to a student’s education
일반 가이드라인
Refer to the Application Procedures for Prior or Out of Class Learning for specific procedures and forms.
- Not more than two and a half (2.5) total units toward Other Required courses may be earned through Proficiency-Based Credit Award Options outside the regular school program as stipulated in the student’s college and career readiness plan.
- Evidence of proficiency used for credit options outside the regular school program must be current. Current is defined as produced within the previous twelve (12) calendar months.
- Credits earned through the proficiency options outside the regular school program will earn a “Pass/Fail” grade.
Proficiency Credit for Prior or Out of Class Learning
1. Student completes the Prior or Out of Class Learning Application and the Collection of Evidence Form and submits it to the counseling office at his/her home school.
2. A building review committee will review the application using District agreements regarding the sufficiency of the proposed collection of proficiency evidence. The student and parent will be notified within 30 days if the application has been approved or denied. If an application is denied, the specific reason(s) will be discussed with the student. The committee may offer the student an opportunity to resubmit the application.
3. A building committee that includes at least one teacher from the content area, a counselor, and a school administrator will review the collection of proficiency evidence. The committee will determine whether the evidence satisfies the proficiency criteria for the course to earn credit.
4. The student will prepare the collection of proficiency evidence according to criteria provided by the school and in compliance with the timeline provided. Application deadlines will be set and published by the school.
5. Disputes over the committee’s decision may be appealed to the building principal. If the principal does not settle the appeal, the parent may then appeal to the Executive Director of Teaching and Learning within 15 calendar days. The decision of the Executive Director of Teaching and Learning is final in these matters.
교육위원회 승인
Adopted: February 12, 2018