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“Every year, her classes get larger and larger because the word is spreading about how much she helps her students succeed,” shared Gayle Painter in her nomination of Christiana Dennis, GED teacher with the Adult Education Department.

This dedication to her students earned Christiana the Provo Way Award this month.

Christiana has worked tirelessly to ensure students earn their GEDs or complete high school graduation requirements. Her communication skills and genuine investment in her students have transformed lives and inspired trust.

“She doesn’t just teach; she makes sure every student knows she’s rooting for them,” shared Gayle.

Christiana’s ability to help students achieve their goals has made her a standout educator and a vital part of the Adult Education program.

Thank you, Christiana, for your outstanding contributions and congratulations on this well-deserved honor!

Spencer Tuinei
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  • 스펜서 투이네이
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