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最終更新日2月 7, 2025

方針4400 評価と国家試験

Purpose of the Policy

The Board of Education recognizes the importance of assessment in the educational process. The State and Federal Departments of Education and Justice require that students in Provo City School District participate in assessments of student performance and that employees ethically administer all assessments. Formative assessments can provide data that guide decisions for instruction and determine services needed to support students. Summative assessments can provide data to guide decisions about programs and needed systemic changes.

The Board of Education adopts this policy to provide specific standards and procedures to govern the handling and administration of standardized tests. The Board has determined that compliance with this policy is an essential function of all educators and failure to abide by this policy is grounds for adverse employment action including termination.

The Board desires to work in partnership with families and supports parents’ rights to make decisions associated with their children’s education, including the ability to opt students out of some state testing (Policy 4400: Form 1 elementary & Form 2 secondary). The Board also desires the protection of district schools and employees from any adverse impact as a result of students opting out of state testing as per Utah State Code 53G-6-803 (9).

The Board directs the superintendent and staff to develop procedures and forms to: enable parents or guardians to opt out of state testing on an annual basis; provide mechanisms for the use of assessment data in instruction; ensure the ethical administration of all assessments in the district; and ensure that opting out of state testing provides no negative impact to students, schools, or employees.

Administration of Statewide Assessments

Provo City School District shall administer statewide assessments to all students enrolled in the grade level or course to which the assessment applies, with the following exceptions:

  1. The student is exempt under the procedures set forth in Policy 4400 Procedure 1.
  2. A student’s IEP team, English learner team, or Section 504 accommodation plan team shall determine that student’s participation in statewide assessments consistent with the Utah Participation and Accommodations Policy.

District Statewide Assessment Plan

Provo City School District shall develop a plan to administer statewide assessments. After considering and making any appropriate changes, the district shall provide assurance that it has met the plan’s requirements to the State Superintendent by August 15 of each year.

The plan shall include:

  1. The dates that the district shall administer each statewide assessment;
  2. Professional development for an educator to fully implement the assessment system;
  3. Training for educators, appropriate paraprofessionals, or third-party proctors in the requirements of assessment administration ethics;
  4. Training for educators and appropriate paraprofessionals in using statewide assessment results effectively to inform instruction.

Time Periods for Administering Statewide Assessments

A district educator, trained employee, or third party proctor shall administer statewide assessments required under Utah Admin. Rule R277-404-5 consistent with the schedule established by the State Superintendent and the District’s assessment plan.

A district educator, trained employee, or third party proctor shall complete all required assessment procedures before the end of the assessment window defined by the State Superintendent.

If the District requires an alternative schedule with assessment dates outside of the State Superintendent’s published schedule, it shall submit the alternative testing plan to the State Superintendent by September 1 annually.  The plan shall set dates for assessment administration for courses taught face-to-face or online.

District Assessment Training

District assessment staff will use the Standard Test Administration and Testing Ethics Policy in providing training for all assessment administrators and proctors. (This policy can be obtained online at R277-404.)

At least once each school year, the district will provide professional development for all educators, administrators, and assessment administrators (including third party proctors) concerning guidelines and procedures for statewide assessment administration, including educator responsibility for assessment security and proper professional practices.

The district may not release state assessment data publicly until authorized to do so by the State Superintendent.

School Responsibilities

The district, school, or educator may not use a student’s score on a statewide assessment (or a student’s exemption from taking such an assessment) to prohibit a student from enrolling in an honors, advanced placement, or International Baccalaureate course.

The district and school shall require an educator and assessment administrator and proctor (including a third-party proctor) to individually sign the testing ethics signature page provided by the State Superintendent acknowledging or assuring that the educator administers assessments consistent with ethics and protocol requirements.

All educators and assessment administrators shall conduct assessment preparation, supervise assessment administration, and certify assessment results before providing results to the State Superintendent.

All educators and assessment administrators and proctors shall securely handle and return all protected assessment materials, where instructed, in strict accordance with the procedures and directions specified in assessment administration manuals, District rules and policies, and the Standard Test Administration and Testing Ethics Policy.

District Employee Compliance with Assessment Requirements, Protocols, and Security

Teachers, administrators, and all District personnel shall not:

  1. Violate any specific assessment administrative procedure specified in the assessment administration manual, violate any state or District standardized assessment policy or procedure, or violate any procedure specified in the State Board testing ethics policy;
  2. Fail to administer a state required assessment;
  3. Fail to administer a state required assessment within the designated assessment window;
  4. Submit falsified data;
  5. Allow a student to copy, reproduce, or photograph an assessment item or component; or
  6. Knowingly do anything that would affect the security, validity, or reliability of standardized assessment scores of any individual student, class, or school.

A school employee or third-party proctor shall promptly report an assessment violation or irregularity to a building administrator, the District Superintendent, or the State Superintendent.

An educator who violates this rule or an assessment protocol is subject to Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission or Board disciplinary action consistent with Utah Admin. Rules R277-217.

All assessment material, questions, and student responses for required assessments are designated protected, consistent with Utah Code § 63G-2-305, until released by the State Superintendent.

The district shall ensure that all assessment content is secured so that only authorized personnel have access and that assessment materials are returned to the State Superintendent following testing, as required by the State Superintendent.

An individual educator, third party proctor, or school employee may not retain or distribute test materials, in either paper or electronic form, for purposes inconsistent with ethical test administration or beyond the time period allowed for test administration.

Reporting Assessment Results

UTREx data shall be updated using the processes and according to the schedules determined by the State Superintendent. The District shall ensure that any computer software for maintaining or submitting District data is compatible with data reporting requirements established in R277-484. The district shall ensure that all statewide assessment data have been collected and certify that the data are ready for accountability purposes no later than July 12. The district shall verify that it has satisfied all the requirements of the State Superintendent’s directions regarding data exchange and reporting requirements.

Referral to State Board for Violation

Any employee violating this policy shall be subject to adverse employment action, including, but not limited to, termination of employment, and any such educator shall be referred to the Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission of the State Board of Education for possible disciplinary action.



  • January 12, 2021
  • 改訂2025年1月14日

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