Projets de loi sur l'éducation 2025
21 février 2025
Projets de loi et résolutions pour la session générale de 2025 HB0040 : Sécurité à l'école...
This week there will not be a videocast. Please expect a return to the normal videocast next week, and enjoy these written announcements.
Hello Provo City! I am Superintendent Wendy Dau. I apologize that this week’s videocast is an email, but I am sick and I don’t have much of a voice! Here are some updates for this week:
I have some sad news to share. Kathy Hansen, a longtime, beloved district employee who retired recently, passed away from natural causes last Friday. She was such a pillar in our district, particularly as she supported all of us and our students. She was always positive and cheery, and she impacted so many people’s lives in such an incredible way. We are so fortunate to work with so many genuine people in our district who truly make a difference, but it also means it leaves a hole in our hearts when they are no longer with us.
Wasatch Elementary will be doing at-home learning days today and tomorrow. The first full day of school will be on Wednesday, January 15th. Our District Leadership Team will be up at the school to help with quick tours for our students and parents as they begin their day in the new building. Wasatch Elementary held a great assembly last Friday wherein they said good-bye and shared great memories of this school’s history. A big thank you to Principal Snow and her faculty and staff for all the hours they have put forth to keep educating our students while also moving their entire classrooms and setting up for a new start. Many people across the district and across our community have been on hand ready to help. Thank you, Wasatch Community! You are amazing!
This last weekend, our Student School Board Members, Mon’ika Tua’one and Hutch Falle, presented at the Utah School Boards Association Conference in Salt Lake City, and they made Provo City School District proud. They are the reason we do what we do in education. What incredible young people who have bright futures ahead of them, and they are so positive and represent their peers so well. A big thank you to Gina Hales, Teri McCabe, and Assistant Superintendent Darrell Jensen for helping them prepare for this presentation. They rocked it, as they showed how important it is to incorporate student voices into the decisions we make as a school district.
We appreciate all of our parents’ support as we rolled out our cell phone policy last week. Our goal really is to create learning environments that are free from distractions. We know that there may be changes that are needed as we move through this process, but overall, we are hearing it went better than anticipated. Please continue to communicate with your schools so that they can work with district leadership and the Board of Education on any adjustments that need to be made. Our podcast last Friday was with Jennifer Partridge and Gina Hales from our Board of Education as we talked about the development and rollout of this policy. Here is the link to the podcast: Cell Phone Policy Podcast Link
Tomorrow evening (Tuesday, January 14th) is our meeting with the Board of Education. The Study Session will be held in Board Room 1 and begins at 4:10 p.m. Our Business Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Professional Development Center. Some topics up for discussion are as follows: Teri McCabe, Emily Harrison, and Gina Hales will all be sworn in as board members. Committee assignments will be discussed for board members. Graduation Rates and comparisons with state trends Several policies are up for a second reading and possible vote: Open Enrollment, Student Residency, and Assessment and Testing. Several policies are up for a first reading that deal with governance of the Board of Education. Utah Fits All Scholarship and discussion as to whether or not our district should choose to be a vendor Reporting on our progress with the Strategic Plan Discussion about a lease revenue bond to continue the construction of Timpview High School and to finance decisions made regarding the Dixon site I hope all of you have a fantastic week! Thank you for making Provo such an incredible place to live and an incredible place to educate our children!
Je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le Président, l'expression de mes sentiments distingués,
Wendy J. DauSuperintendent Provo City School District
Projets de loi et résolutions pour la session générale de 2025 HB0040 : Sécurité à l'école...
Le mardi 25 février 2025, le conseil scolaire de la ville de Provo organisera un vote sur un nouveau bail...
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