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Last modified: March 15, 2024

eSchool and STEM

What is STEM? Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

Provo City School District’s statement on STEM

STEM education is a focus on content knowledge in science, technology, math, and engineering. STEM educators teach complimentary skills that help students use their knowledge to solve problems. They include:

  • 21st Century Skills: communication, collaboration, creative problem solving, and critical thinking
  • Engineering Design Processes: In addition to the scientific method, the EDP is taught to students. It is a series of steps used to design solutions to problems. It includes defining the problem, research, developing and testing prototypes, and communicating results.

Upcoming events in Utah

These events are not sponsored by Provo eSchool, but are provided for your reference. Feel free to register and enjoy them on your own.

Check out these resources for other STEM events in Utah

Science Resources

Check out these websites for science lessons, activities, and experiment ideas!
