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Última modificación: 8 de junio de 2023

District Leadership

Recognizing that Success is achieved together

We take personalized interest in your growth as an educator. We are big enough to have the needed resources for children and small enough to make change immediately. Learn more about the school board.

Our Board/ District Goals are:

  1. Continuous Academic Improvement
  2. Support for teachers and teaching aligned with research, best practices and teacher-identified needs
  3. Certainty and stability in the direction of the district
  4. Financial prioritization, long-term planning and transparency
  5. Teamwork, professional conduct and civility

“One of my priorities is to visit every classroom throughout the district at least once every year. It is wonderful to interact with hard-working teachers and students. My visits also afford me a perspective on what kinds of support and leadership I must provide to further advance teaching and learning in the district. I am genuinely enjoying being in classrooms throughout the district.” Keith Rittel, Superintendent

“Provo City School District has a more diverse community than many people would believe and this provides opportunities for teachers and students to learn together about the power education holds to change lives and open doors. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to work for our teachers and students to continue the caring and understanding environment we teach about everyday.” Jason Cox, Executive Director of Human Resources

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