Last modified: März 14, 2025
Policy No. 4204 Clean Desk Procedure
The purpose of this procedure is to establish a culture of security for all PCSD employees. An effective clean desk effort, involving the participation and support of all employees, will protect paper documents that contain personally identifiable and other sensitive information about students, educators, and staff.
The primary reasons for a clean desk procedure are:
- A clean desk reduces the threat of a security incident since confidential information will be locked away when unattended.
- Sensitive documents left in the open can be viewed and/or stolen by a malicious entity.
All staff, employees, and entities working on behalf of PCSD with a district-owned or personal device connected to the PCSD network are subject to this procedure.
Appropriate measures must be taken when using workstations to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information, including but not limited to Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Appropriate measures include:
- Restricting physical access to devices.
- Ensuring that all sensitive/confidential information in hardcopy or electronic form is secured in the work area at the end of each day.
- Securing workstations (screen lock or logout) prior to leaving an area to prevent unauthorized access.
- Enabling a password-protected screen saver with a short timeout period to ensure that devices left unsecured will be protected.
- Complying with all applicable password policies and procedures. See PCSD’s Password Procedure.
- Ensuring devices are used for authorized educational/business purposes only.
- Never sending PII via email to anyone, including forwarding a message.
- Storing all sensitive information on password-protected drives or secure, restricted network servers.
- Securing laptops that contain sensitive information by:
- Using cable locks.
- Locking laptops up in drawers or cabinets.
- Locking the door behind you.
- Sensitive working papers should be placed in locked drawers whenever a user is away from their desk.
- At the end of the workday, the employee is expected to tidy their desk by locking up all sensitive papers and devices.
Last Update Status:
Updated January 2015
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- 4204 Rechnungsprüfung
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- 4204 Plan zur Wiederherstellung im Katastrophenfall
- 4204 E-Mail
- 4204 Sicherheitsschulung für Mitarbeiter
- 4204 Verschlüsselung
- 4204 Passwort
- 4204 Fernzugriff
- 4204 Router- und Switch-Sicherheit
- 4204 Sicherheit für sensible Workstations
- 4204 Sicherheits-Reaktionsplan
- 4204 Server-Sicherheit
- 4204 Software-Installation
- 4204 Website-Dienste Sicherheit
- 4204 Drahtlose Gerätekommunikation
- 4204 Drahtlose Infrastrukturkommunikation