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Letzte Änderung: August 28, 2024

Policy No. 3235 Student Threat Assessment

The Provo City School District Board of Education is committed to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of its students, staff, and the community, and providing the resources and support to address identified student needs. This policy establishes a student threat assessment directive to provide timely and methodical student threat assessment protocols and management.

The student threat assessment best occurs in school climates of safety, respect, and emotional support. The student threat assessment process is distinct from student discipline procedures. The mere fact that the district is conducting a student threat assessment does not by itself necessitate suspension or expulsion and the district will not impose suspension or expulsion, including emergency suspension, solely for investigating student conduct or conducting a student threat assessment. Further, suspension, or other removal from the school environment can create a risk of triggering either an immediate or a delayed violent response, unless such actions are coupled with containment and support. However, nothing in this policy precludes district personnel from acting immediately to address an imminent threat, including imposing an emergency suspension if the district has sufficient cause to believe that a student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to other students, patrons, or school personnel or an immediate and continuing threat of material and substantial disruption of the educational process.

The Board directs the superintendent to establish a student threat assessment team and develop procedures for assessing and intervening with students whose behavior may indicate a threat to the safety of the student, others students, school employees, school facilities, and the community.

Rechtliche Hinweise und Synopse:

Utah Code 53G-8-202

  • Public school discipline policies – Basis of the policies – Enforcement – Suspension and expulsion procedure – Notice to parents/guardians

Utah Code 53G-8-205

  • Gründe für die Aussetzung oder den Ausschluss von einer öffentlichen Schule

Utah Code 53G-8-206

  • Delegation of authority to suspend or expel a student – Procedure for suspension – Readmission

Utah Code 53G-8-207

  • Alternativen zur Aussetzung oder Ausweisung

Utah Code 53G-11-208

  • Student suspended or expelled – Responsibility of parent – Application for students with disabilities

Utah Code 53G-11-512

  • Local school board to establish dismissal procedures

Utah Code 53G-18-211

  • Reaktionen auf schulisches Verhalten

USBE Board Rule R277-400

  • School Facility Emergency and Safety

USBE Board Rule R277-609

  • Standards für LEA-Disziplinarpläne und Notfall-Sicherheitsinterventionen

USBE Board Rule R277-613

  • LEA Disruptive Student Behavior, Bullying, Cyber-bullying, Hazing, Retaliation, and Abusive Conduct Policies and Training

USBE Board Rule R277-736

  • Juvenile Court or Law Enforcement Notice and Information

Utah HB 61

  • School Safety Requirements

Utah HB 171

  • School Threat Amendment

20 USC. Sec. 1232g Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Board of Education Approval:

27. August 2024

Verfahren und Formulare:
