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Jede Woche teilt Superintendent Wendy Dau ein Video-Update mit der Provo-City-Gemeinde und gibt wichtige Neuigkeiten und Einblicke in den Provo City School District. Schalten Sie jede Woche ein, um über alle wichtigen Ereignisse und Entwicklungen in unseren Schulen informiert zu bleiben.

Hello, Provo City. I am Superintendent Dau from the Provo City School District. Today is Tuesday, March 11th. I would just like to encourage all of you who are parents of juniors, if any of your juniors would like to have an opportunity to serve as a student board member on our school board, those applications are due on March 17th.

They are they can find these applications by going to their student government advisor. That’s going to be Cassidy Baker at Timpview High School or Lorien Francis at Provo High School. And these individuals will have access to those applications. I will also send it we will also send it out so that you have it in a link as well so that your students can access it.

Again, this is parents of juniors. If they’re interested in serving as a school board member, the application has the information about the time commitment, what the job duty is of a of a student board member. Our student board members do run our student advisory council, help us with input on different policies and directions on things.

And so just, it really is something that they get to lead out on as they lead their peers and try to get more of a student voice heard as we address policies and procedures and the ways in which we’re running our education system.

I also just want to give a big shout out to Hannah Whitmer, who is over at Amelia Earhart Elementary. She is this week’s recipient of our Provo Way Award. Hannah is an Instructional Assistant and Behavior Specialist. She creates really safe and supportive spaces for her students. Her nominator talked about Hannah as being someone who just works tirelessly to make sure every student is valued.

She helps them with their schoolwork. She helps them grow as people and she brings so much heart and love to her work. So we want to give a big shout out to Hannah. So if you know her, your student knows her maybe give her a big hug or a big thank you for all the work that she does.

Our first community connections committee meeting will be held on Thursday at noon here in the Professional Development Center at the district office.

We have sent out those invitations to those who applied to be part of this particular committee. We look forward to this first meeting where we will be establishing our norms and kind of the process and purpose of this committee, which is to really get started. some for the school board to ask and solicit some feedback on different proposals and things that they’re considering doing.

And so this will be a really important part of the work that our board does to try to magnify more voices and to ensure that all of their constituents are heard and their concerns are heard so that our education system can meet the needs of their, of their students and of our larger community. It’s so great that we are a whole city district.

And this will give us an opportunity to hopefully align those priorities and our mission and purposes even more than they already are.

Our legislative session has concluded. As we unpack the various bills we will identify what that, what those impacts are on our system and keep you apprised of that.

I would like to give a big shout out to all of our legislators who worked tirelessly to reach out to our school board members and to various members of our district leadership team to get their take on different bills and to just understand our perspective on different things. That was very collaborative.

Just really appreciate their efforts and the democratic process that we have and that we value so much, especially in the state of Utah. We do have a board meeting today. It begins at 5 o’clock p. m. with a study session and a business meeting at 7 o’clock p. m. The business meeting is where we do accept public comment.

There will be several policies that will be discussed that the board has been working on. We will also be talking about school support organizations such as PTAs and PTOs. If schools are if there are parents that are wanting to change a PTA to a PTO, there’s a specific set of procedures that have to be followed for doing that.

So we’ll be talking about what that looks like. I want to make sure that that’s clearly defined in an alignment with state and federal law. We will also be discussing our winter athletics report. This is where we have committed to really showing where our athletes come from, from both Timpview and Provo high schools, how many athletes are transfers, how many have choiced in, what those definitions look like, what those numbers look like for each of our programs for winter sports.

We’re going to be providing a report of this every single season so that people can ask questions, and we just want to be really transparent. We have two schools that are working very hard to follow UHSAA rules and regulations, and we want to make those processes known and be really transparent with our community about what takes place in both of our high schools so that they can both have opportunities for tremendous success.

So we look forward to that conversation later today as well. Those are our major things that we will be discussing. We’ll also be talking about our community connections committee and our parent advisory committee and some different directions that we want to go on those, but we’re excited to move forward to expand the number of voices that we hear in the community.

With that, we just want to wish you all a very good week. We hope you have survived Daylight Savings Time. I know I’m enjoying that I’m not driving home in the dark and hope you are as well. Until next time. Bye everyone.

Alexander Glaves
  • Spezialist für soziale Medien/Marketing
  • Alexander Glaves
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