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Jede Woche teilt Superintendent Wendy Dau ein Video-Update mit der Provo-City-Gemeinde und gibt wichtige Neuigkeiten und Einblicke in den Provo City School District. Schalten Sie jede Woche ein, um über alle wichtigen Ereignisse und Entwicklungen in unseren Schulen informiert zu bleiben.

Hello Provo City. I am Superintendent Dau from the Provo City School District. Today is Monday, March 3rd. I hope all of you had a fantastic weekend. The weather was wonderful and I hope you found some time to enjoy the outdoors. This week I would really like to give a shout out to Debbie Larson. She is a member of our Amelia Earhart community.

She has been a behavior specialist that has really supported the faculty, staff, and students at Amelia. She is a source of wisdom and compassion. People trust her. She listens. She wants to help individuals learn from their mistakes. People admire Debbie and really value the input and feedback that she that she gives to support students so that they can be successful.

Debbie also had her own children go to Amelia. She’s very dedicated to that community. And she’s this week’s Provo Way Award winner, and we just wanted to share that with you. We also want to give a shout out to our foundation. Our foundation allows for a lot of different programs to be funded for our students.

And one of the major things that our foundation funds is they fund Mini-Grants for teachers. So when teachers want to do something innovative in their classroom, they are able to do so because they apply for a grant from the Foundation. And so I just wanted to share one of the grants, It took place, we had Ms. Naylor, who is the librarian at Canyon Crest. This year she asked the foundation to fund Spanish versions of the school’s Battle of the Books titles. This is a contest that our elementary schools participate in, and Canyon Crest has had almost 100 percent participation in the Battle of the Books. But Ms. Naylor wanted to make sure that our students who speak Spanish, have the opportunity to participate as well as because Canyon Crest is a DLI Spanish immersion school, that students could be reading those texts in Spanish and really be improving their Spanish speaking and Spanish reading and, Literacy skills.

So tons of projects like this. We really want to thank our teachers for going above and beyond for applying for this funding and for being creative in ways to further support our students.

We also want to let you know about a parent prevention night that is taking place on Wednesday, March 5th. This will be at Shoreline Middle School, which is at 1201 West 890 South in Provo.

It takes place from 6 to 7. 30 p.m. The purpose of this is it just connects you with a ton of resources from anything from vape prevention to mental health resources to other community resources to after school programming to just different supports that you mamay wan to have access to, and you can have contact with the individuals that can help link you to key individuals that ccan makethese opportunities available for you and your families.

This last week’s podcast I got to ride a bus. We’re very, it was very exciting. It was Love Your Bus Month in February. And Dusty Carlson is one of our fantastic bus drivers that drives the route for Provo High, as well as for Edgemont Elementary. She got to talk to us a lot about bus safety. I hope you’ll listen to this, because we have a lot of individuals who think that they can go around buses when they have their stop signs out, and it really does create some stresses in terms of safety for our children.

So it’s a great it’s a great podcast, and it’s really great to get out and be able to see all of the great things that are happening throughout our district. So I hope that you’ll tune in and listen to that. We also want to make you aware of that. This is the last week of the legislative session.

Last Friday, there was a press release that came out from Governor Cox and top legislative leadership talking out that one of the things they were asking from the Public Education Appropriations Committee was to fund a teacher raise in the amount of $1,400, as well as our support professionals that are school based to have a one time $1,000 bonus.

That’s if they are a full time employee. If they’re not, then it would be prorated. Unless the district chooses to do otherwise. They are funding a 4 percent increase to the WPU. This is the minimum that is required by state law. State law requires that, that the legislature funus in terms of growth as well as inflation.

And they, the 4 percent barely covers that so this doesn’t help us with in terms of rising insurance costs or, or those different pieces that does not equate exactly when you have a 4 percent WPU does not mean that there’s a 4 percent raise forteachers across the board. That 4 percent is used to cover operating expenses, daily, just, just the day to day things that take place within the school.

And we know that as those expenses continue to increase, that eats into that amount of money. We have asked for additional one time monies to help students with specific risk factors, to help support career and technical education, to help support gifted and talented education and to continue those supports and we’ll see where that lands.

So if you have specific interests and want to ensure that education is funded appropriately, I would urge you to reach out to your legislators this week. If you’ve had great experiences in Provo City School District schools, we’d love to have you share those with our legislators. We really do want to make Provo City School District a destination district, and we believe firmly in the value of public education and how important it is in a democratic society.

And so if you feel so inclined, we would love to have you reach out to our legislators, to let them know what your priorities are as they’re finalizing the session. We are very grateful for many of our legislators who have worked tirelessly with us to ensure that there aren’t unintended consequences that are coming from Particular bills and that we’re working together to really try to do what’s best for our students across the board.

So we are very appreciative of those efforts with that. I hope all of you have a fantastic week. We’ll see you next Monday.

Alexander Glaves
  • Spezialist für soziale Medien/Marketing
  • Alexander Glaves
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