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Last modified: September 22, 2020

What is Self-Isolation

Self-isolation is for people who are already sick or have tested positive for COVID-19. Everyone who lives in your house should stay at home if someone in your house tests positive for COVID-19. Self-isolation is for people who are not sick enough to be in the hospital. Your doctor may tell you to recover at home. Isolation keeps sick people away from healthy people to stop sickness from spreading. Even in your home, you should try to stay away from other people as much as possible. Stay at home EXCEPT to get medical care.

Self-isolation means

  • Stay in your house
  • If you are sick and need to be closer than 6 feet from someone in your house, both of you need to wear a surgical mask
  • Stay in a different room from other people in your house
  • Use a different bathroom
  • Clean surfaces that are touched often (phones, doorknobs, light switches, toilet handles, sink handles, countertops, and anything metal)
  • Try not to use the same personal items as other people

When can I stop self-isolation?

  • If you tested positive and had symptoms you should stay isolated from other people until you have been fever-free, and your symptoms have gotten better for at least 24 hours and it has been at least 10 days since you first got sick. This means you did not use medicine to lower your fever and all your other symptoms are gone.
  • If you tested positive for COVID-19 but never had symptoms, you can stop self-isolation 10 days after you tested positive.

What about other people in my house?

Other people in your home should quarantine for 14 days since the last time they were around you. Everyone in your house should quarantine until everyone is better.

If you need medical care

If your symptoms get worse or you feel like you need medical care, call a healthcare provider or 911 and tell them you have symptoms of COVID-19 before you go to their office, clinic, or emergency room. This is important so the healthcare workers are prepared for your visit and can take precautions to keep you and others safe.

Some of the emergency warning signs are*

  • Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
  • Pain or pressure in your chest that does not go away
  • Feeling confused or cannot wake up easily
  • If your lips or face look bluish

*These are not all of the emergency symptoms.  Call your doctor if you are worried.

Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds

  • After you cough or sneeze. After touching surfaces that are touched often (phones, doorknobs,
  • light switches, toilet handles, sink handles, countertops, and anything metal).
  • Before cooking food, eating, and after going to the bathroom.

Brought to you by Utah Association of Local Health Departments
