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The next school board meeting will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, December 13. The study session will begin at 5:00 p.m. and the business meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. 

Both meetings will be broadcast live on YouTube (see links below).  The meetings are open to the public.  

Study Session 5 pm YouTube 

Business Meeting 7 pm YouTube


A. 3:30 pm Closed Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Real Estate and Litigation. UT Code 52.4.205

    1. Welcome: President Melanie Hall
    2. Roll Call
    3. Motion to Convene
    4. Real Estate
    5. Litigation
    6. Motion to Adjourn

B. 5:00 pm Study Session

    1. Welcome: President Melanie Hall
    2. Roll Call
    3. Motion to Convene
    4. Construction Update (15 min)
    5. Large Purchase Requests: Derek Anderson (10 min)
    6. Calendar Discussion: Jason Cox, Deputy Superintendent, HR (10 min)
    7. LAND Trust Training: Alex Judd, Asst. Supt. (15 min)
    8. New Website: Caleb Price, Director of Communications (20 min)
    9. Superintendent Search Update: Vice President Rebecca Nielsen (15 minutes)
    10. Consent Calendar Review and Questions: Pres. Melanie Hall
    11. Upcoming Google Calendar Items: Pres. Melanie Hall
    12. Motion to Adjourn

C. 7 pm Business Meeting

    1. Welcome: President Melanie Hall
    2. Roll Call
    3. Motion to Convene
    4. Opening Remarks: President Melanie Hall
    5. Pledge of Allegiance:

D. Community Connections

    1. Employee Recognition: Board President Melanie Hall and Deputy Superintendent Jason Cox
    2. School Report: Independence High School
    3. Public Input

E. Business Items

    1. Approve Calendar
    2. Approve Large Purchase Request
    3. Approve Large Purchase Request

F. Consent Calendar

    1. Board Minutes as Part of the Consent Calendar
    2. Personnel Report as Part of the Consent Calendar
    3. Home School, School Choice, eSchool Report as Part of the Consent Calendar
    4. Financial Reports as Part of the Consent Calendar
    5. Approve the Consent Calendar

G. Board Member Report

    1. Board Report: Vice President Rebecca Nielsen

H. Superintendent’s Report

    1. Approved Student Travel
    2. Miscellaneous Items

I. Adjourn

    1. Adjourn
Alexander Glaves
  • Social Media/Marketing Specialist
  • Alexander Glaves